Krell KSA-100S Amplifiers
Krell KSA-100S Amplifiers
[Mar 26, 2019]
Oh so silky smooth. Needs quality cables to get the best sound - MIT or Transparent work well. Weakness:
Slightly lacking in low end grunt and high frequency is marginally soft, so ideal for brighter bass heavy loudspeakers. Don’t switch it on immediately after switching it off - I blew the output stage as the protection circuit did not kick in soon enough! Expensive fix, but it sounds better than it did new now!! Price Paid: £4000
Purchased: New
Model Year: 1988
[Nov 28, 2018]
I'm familiar with Krell amps, own few pairs in the past. I must said that the KSA-100S is one special amp much better and more musical amp then my previous Krell KMA. The KSA-100S features Sustained Plateau Bias technology, the main advantages of S.P. B tech basically savings in electrical power consumption and cooler Class A running amp not like your typical Class A amp that the run very hot. Ok my impression about the KSA-100S more neutral, great midrange, detail, smooth sound, dynamics, bass, deep soundstage, powerful also nice looking amp too, havy about 80 lbs and well made, reliable and hold pretty good value these days. A sweet Class A amp Highly Recommended Weakness:
The only weakness that I found out on the KSA-100S is you not be able to connect banana plugs ONLY spade lugs. Price Paid: 1500
Purchased: Used
Model Year: 1994
[Oct 06, 2006]
jun seok, bae
musicality and accuracy and misurement
different transformer of 100s' along with it's manufactured year. i'm a chief of lui digital (makes handmade tube audio/digital system)
Customer Service i can manage Similar Products Used: hundreds |
[May 20, 2006]
Audio Enthusiast
I was once told that once you have experienced the warmth and detail that only a Krell can produce then you will never use anything else, so far so good, for me it is still to what all others are judged, I am still using my beloved KSA100 and it has never let me down, today there are I'm sure better amps out there but when played side by side could you honestly say one is better than another at this level how much more would you pay to convince yourself what you are hearing is actually better, eg Audio Note 7watt power amp some years back priced at £60K was it better??? if so... it was not £55K better, stick to the classics they are affordable and were all state of the art at one time, |
[Aug 21, 2003]
Audio Enthusiast
Stamina, power, ambiance, built like a sub...
May lack a little body compared with the best of tube amps. Nice..... simply nice. It drives my Snell A3i with ease, and I have not yet lacked power. Detailed but still laid back in nature. I simply love my new amp. Go buy one ! Similar Products Used: Audio Research d-110, Zapsolute Mk2 mono blocks, Electro Companiet 180W mono bloks ( can´t remember the type! ) EAR 509 and 519 mono´s, Holfi Power NB2 |
[Sep 16, 2002]
philippe b
Clarity, openness, lack of coloration. Transparency, detail, rock solid imaging, very quiet
(qualified), could use more power I've found the KSA100s to be a perfect complement for my Boston Lynnfield 500L (upper/mid arrays). The KSA100s is exceptional in accurate rendition of the human voice, and all instruments - natural or synthesized - which I have been able to find. I'm currently using a Sony SCD-777es CD player (with SACD) and find that the SACD material is very, very detailed and subtle on this system Similar Products Used: Adcom, Threshold, SAE,Bel Canto,Plinius |
[Jun 18, 2002]
Chris K
Clean, transparent, Well built
Heavy Excellent amplifier. I could not imagine needing much more power. It runs the Nautilus 804's perfect. Similar Products Used: Levinson No 331, Krell kav250, Krell KSA200s, Parasound |
[Jun 11, 2002]
Great mid transparency. Neutral sounding.
None A not to be be missed 100 Watts amp. |
[Oct 19, 1999]
NOTHING! BUY IT! Similar Products Used: ONE OF A KIND! |
[Jul 25, 2001]
Sunny Wong
Audio Enthusiast
Good performance at hi, mid and lo frequencies. Very smooth and silky sound. Outstanding driving ability.
None. I had bought it for over 6 years. It's another lengendary power amp from Krell. I learnt the KSA-S series created a sales record. |