MIT Cables MH -750 Shotgun System Speaker Cables
MIT Cables MH -750 Shotgun System Speaker Cables
[Nov 16, 1999]
Dan Rapp
Look impressive
Out of phase sound I lived with some Tara Labs very expensive cables for years and "upgraded" to some MIT H-750 Series II cables with the CVT technology boxes. The Tara Labs cables were similar with an adjustable dial to presumably alter, through passive circuits, the inductance or capacitance or whatever of the cable to "match" the particular characteristics of the speaker it's attached to. The MIT technology works along similar lines. I sent the MITs back to the well-known and respected high-end mail order house in order to get longer ones. In the meantime, I used some old cables (Space and Time Astral Blue) that use a simple thick copper strand technology. Boy, do I feel cheated. I lost about nine years of listening to what could have been a much better system. To make a long story short, I'll skip all the superlatives about soundstage and focus, and just say there's such a clear difference for the better with the simpler design cables that it's not amusing. I trusted, blindly, the audiophile reports singing the praises of "advanced" speaker cable design. So, listen for yourself, ignore the impressive-looking fat cables and high-tech looking boxes, and try the simpler design cables. The audio salon salesman will look down his nose at you, but remember its your big bucks you'll be spending. I'm sending my MITs back. Similar Products Used: Tara Labs Space and Time Continuum |
[Nov 24, 1999]
David Sarinelli
Audio Enthusiast
deep tight bass, dynamics, beautiful top
Impossible to hide, weight, two sets for bi-wiring These cables are without doubt the best Í've ever heard. They present music the way it was recorded. I own both the interconnect og the speaker cable and have never been happier. The shotgun pair does what you all are looking for, it precents a (very)deep tight bass, beautiful highs whithout sounding boosted at all; a problem which I believe the MH-750 plus has. They work best with large speakers with several large units, but also small speakers sounds a lot bigger than they are. These cables make speakers come alive in a way which I belive no other cabels do, and I have heard the all:Purist Audio, Transparent, Kimber, Cardas, Flatline and Tara Labs. They are all good cables, but none of these can match the shotgun on both musicallity and soundstaging. Similar Products Used: MIT MH-750 plus |
[Nov 24, 1999]
Fred Gruber
Great bass,smooth realistic detail,exceptional soundstage
Tricky to connect The following review by Dan Rapp does not belong in this section as these are the Shotgun reviews, not the much less expensive Series II reviews.In the right and in most systems even the MIT Series II cables which Dan did not care for ,sound exceptional and the Shotguns which are at the top of the High End Series have an obvious improvement in all areas over the Series II cables.I have extensive experience with MIT and have heard them in 2 audio stores and in 2 home systems and have corresponded with 3 others who were very satisfied with owning MIT products.All of these auditions were very satisfactory and is why that I made my purchase of MIT products.There is no one component that works ideal in everyones system,this is why MIT has a 30 day total satisfaction money back guarantee ! |
[Sep 26, 1999]
an Audiophile
I had mixed feeling toward MIT at first because of people telling me that MIT's cables are compressed and processed sounding, well........think againAfter the burn in of 2+2 as MIT suggest The detail of these cables are excellent, I can pin point instruments at will in the soundstage that is very wide and deep and the bass is a touch deeper then the Clear + I had with the bonus of better bass extension and more musical. For the first time I can |
[Apr 12, 1999]
an Audiophile
I recieved my first set of MIT cables Nov.98.After a few days break in,I was amazed by the transformation.Tighter deeper bass,smoother and more detailed highs and mid range.The Placement of musicians and singers is precise,lifelike in size and Three dimensional.Within 30 days I returned my MIT MI-750series 3 cables for full credit and upgraded to the shotguns.It took all of the above up a few more notches.The MIT HIGHEND LINE is all new for 1999 having more of their reference technology trickling down into their HIGHEND SERIES.Now a few gripes.These cables as I found out later were suppose to have had the Interchangeable connector system.My set being one of the first new releases didn,t.I did get the right termination however,yet,the flexibility of the new technology would have been nice.Hooking up these cables can be a little tricky and frustrating.After a while however ,I got the hang of it.With the new connector system,I think it would have been easier.I'll acknowledge it up front,this is not a fair comparison, but the shotguns blew the socks off of my 4Tc Kimbers.For different tastes and systems certain cables work best.MIT by the way, offers a 30 day audition trial period.Overall I give 4 1/2 but for the most important part>>>> SOUND<<<<< I give |
[Mar 10, 2000]
will alago
Audio Enthusiast
highs,midrange,deep tight bass and improved depth/soundstage
somewhat system specific The MIT Shotguns excel in all facets. In my system, the improvements in detail were nothing less than astonishing. My upgrade from the MH-750 Series 3 made dramatic improvements in the overall presentation specifically with regard to the palpability of the image. The bi-wire version is highly recommended especially when paired with the input impedance specific interconnects between components. The speaker cables come in two varieties designed for solid state or tubed amplifiers, so be sure to purchase the appropriate type. In my opinion, my MITs are for life. Similar Products Used: Acarian Black Orpheus bi-wire, MIT MH750 series 3 |
[Aug 16, 2000]
bass and midrange
highs Just got done demoing these from the local dealer and was very happy with the way the peformed but just could not live with the highs. They always seemed a little smeared. Even my wife how only listens in when she wants something said the same thing. Bass and low mids were amazing though, must be that magic in the big box that hung off the back of my speaker. That is the other grip, using a monitor speaker those boxes really put a lot of strain on the cable and the connectors. Overall I was very pleased with cable but do not think I can live with it. Also why does it seem like every dealer is dumping these cables so inexpensivly? Similar Products Used: synergistic, audio quest, audioprism |
[Aug 16, 2000]
bass and midrange
highs Just got done demoing these from the local dealer and was very happy with the way the peformed but just could not live with the highs. They always seemed a little smeared. Even my wife how only listens in when she wants something said the same thing. Bass and low mids were amazing though, must be that magic in the big box that hung off the back of my speaker. That is the other grip, using a monitor speaker those boxes really put a lot of strain on the cable and the connectors. Overall I was very pleased with cable but do not think I can live with it. Also why does it seem like every dealer is dumpung these cables so inexpensivly? Similar Products Used: synergistic, audio quest, audioprism |