Bose 901 Series VI Floorstanding Speakers
Bose 901 Series VI Floorstanding Speakers
[Mar 19, 2019]
kaniya Strength:
Actually this speakers can provide a live sound as we are in a live concert. Weakness:
harder to find a matching amplifier to this speakers. Price Paid:
2000 Purchased:
New Model Year:
2000 |
[Aug 31, 2008]
Casual Listener
I like everything they did
none that i havent heard from most speakers Let me start by saying these were my first speakers and i wish i still had them.I have had everyone tell me about how great magnepans altec vott are trust me i had them are they great yes but the 901s were not bad by no means neither.I now have a pair of electrovoice 15trx in some custom pbn enclosure that i would trade in a heartbeat for my bose.Do the electrovoice sound bad no they dont but its just not that important to me anymore i use to enjoy audio but now ive traded speakers so many times and actually i still like those 901s better because when i had them i listen alot mot more to music other then systems.I dont care if speakers have a frequency range up to 30k+ Sorry my ears arent that good if yours are by all means by them.If anyone wanna trade there cheap 901s for my system let me know i live in Tulsa Oklahoma and no i cannot ship the pbns to heavy i have them posted on craigslist also under electronics if you like to view what i have and what im willing to trade for. Customer Service i miss my 901s life was so much simpler then Similar Products Used: altec vott,jbl l200b ,dahlquist dq10,magnepan mg3,acoustat,norman labs,allison,b&w,B&O,vandersteen 2c,ads,ar model 9,infinity kappa rs 9,infinity rs2b,plenty of others also and yes i have proof of all these speakers go to flickr look up |
[Aug 27, 2008]
Powerful elegant functional loud and sweet. Sounds great in low level listening and awesome in loud rock music. Classical music lovers rejoice.
placement These speakers have been around for years and not much has changed in its conceptual design. My first set of Bose were the 601 series one. I still have them and they still sound great after 30 years although I did replace the bass drivers (due to foam rot). The 601s work on the same theory as the 901s - direct reflected sound. The speakers handle as little as 30 watts and I have driven them hard with 120watts per channel. Easy placement and they still pound. Rock, Jazz, R&B all sound fabulous with classical and opera sounding amazing.
[Aug 25, 2008]
R. Morelli
Audio Enthusiast
Ability to realistically capture the richness and depth of the various instruments, including the human voice. Strings, Percussion, in particular timpany, and Organ music, especially the deep resonance of the lower notes, are thrilling to hear.
The reflecting sound apprach - each speaker housing contains 9 individual speakers, with 8 off them projecting rearward - is that you need to have a room with good acoustic qualities (which mine does) and you need to place the speakers at the correct distance from the rear and side walls. Bose has guidelines for determining these distances, but only trial and error will find the optimal placement for your room. This is a realtively small investment in time, and a very acceptable trade-off to get sound that fills the room like a concert hall, rather than appears to be emanating from a speaker source. I purchased my 901's two years ago after a great deal of research and test listening. Bottom line: I love these speakers, and in my opinon, Bose's slogan "only live sounds better" isn't too far from truth. No other speakers I listened to in this price range (or double the price range for that matter) seemed to match the qualities of the 901. I listen mostly to acoustic music - classical and jazz. I live in the Philadelphia area where I have access to the world class sound of the Philadelphia Orchestra in Verizon Hall. No, the 901's cannot match a Verizon Hall experience, but they're not a bad sustitute. My listening area consistes of a large, retangular open space of 3 contiguous rooms - living room, dining, and kitchen, and the reflective sound approach of these speakers does an amazing job of evenly distributing rich sound throughout the rooms. I drive these speakers with a Yamaha RX-777 Stereo Receiver. |
[Aug 22, 2008]
Audio Enthusiast
(For me) looks, power handling, frequency response
Room placement I bought the 901 on sale with a guarantee of return from Lazarus in about 1995 (I forgot what series) I experimented considerably, for several days, with placement never finding just the right spot. My llistening area was small, about 12 x 20. Finally after trying at least a dozen positions, I found they sounded nice exactly in the middle of the room - in about area thirds. This position was, of course, impossible so I had to take them back. Similar Products Used: Many, over the years from Klipsch Heresy (1950s), on. |
[Jul 29, 2008]
Clarity, soundstage,Power if driven with a good and powerful amplifier.
Need the right placement and the right connections to the equalizer.
Hello once again
Customer Service Excellent so far Similar Products Used: Monitor audio Silver RS6 |
[Jul 26, 2008]
Bose is a great product if you don't know any better, especailly when all the guys at the department store rave about them. The part I find interesting is that there are people that will defend this product tooth and nail. If the product is good it will stand on it's own, there is no need to defend it people. This product does very well because it is marketed to be that way. There are more people at home with these suffering from that consumer illness |
[Jul 08, 2008]
Audio Enthusiast
strong accoustics
must be proper position and proper calibration
This is one of the best speakers on the market. (for it's price) It is incredible what these speakers can do. The trick is knowing how to calibrate and position the speakers properly. A nice amp. will also be helpful. Accoustic is amazing. Overall, very nice sounding speakers for music lovers. Similar Products Used: jbl, AR, mission, mirage |
[Jul 04, 2008]
Adam Henry
Nicely balanced high freq extention, midrange performance of the 901 is superior to 99% of the current so called "High End" market. The low frequency performance of the 901 is jaw dropping for a speaker so small.
DEMANDS that ONLY the Bose 901 Active Equalizer be utilized and CORRECTLY input into system for playback.
Bose 901 Series IV Direct Reflection Loudspeaker. Perhaps the most successful, and prolific loudspeaker design ever produced.
Customer Service Bose has never given me anything less than excellent service from factory reps or retail vendors Similar Products Used: Bose 802 III w/ bass modules
[May 03, 2008]
Casual Listener
Grate sound
I am still looking Rotel RA 980 BX 2X100W Intergraded Amplifier
Customer Service Good Similar Products Used: Roister Steeles 150 W each. 4 Ohms (European speakers that I used for 20 years) |