Mana Acoustics Sound Stage Racks & Stands
Mana Acoustics Sound Stage Racks & Stands
[Sep 10, 2001]
Top Cat
Audio Enthusiast
Stunning enhancement to the standard Mana rack; it's like getting a new music collection.
After you've added a few, a 6-tier rack can get pretty tall This is an extra isolation stage which fits underneath the Mana rack system. You can add as many as you like, with each stage adding to the effect. I found great things when I moved from the fairly lacklustre (but pretty) Quadraspire system to the Mana rack, but I wasn't prepared for the massive improvement I gained by adding one of these levels - details emerged from an inky black, treble seemed more natural and the whole sound was more musical. Essential! Similar Products Used: Quadraspire, Target, home-made |