Harman Kardon Take Control Master Remote Remote Controls
Harman Kardon Take Control Master Remote Remote Controls
[Dec 04, 2000]
Halldor Sigurdsson
Audio Enthusiast
Macro capability. Ease of use!
Touchscreen to dark! Have to use the light all the time! This is a really good remote! It was quite hard at first to get my remote to learn the DVD source button on my AVR7000 remote. The problem is that the AVR7000 remote sends two codes when you push the DVD source button. After blasting my brain for two days I got the idea of removing the AVR7000 remote away from the TC-1000 before it sent the second code. YES it works! |
[Dec 04, 2000]
Halldor Sigurdsson
Audio Enthusiast
Macro capability. Ease of use!
Touchscreen to dark! Have to use the light all the time! This is a really good remote! It was quite hard at first to get my remote to learn the DVD source button on my AVR7000 remote. The problem is that the AVR7000 remote sends two codes when you push the DVD source button. After blasting my brain for two days I got the idea of removing the AVR7000 remote away from the TC-1000 before it sent the second code. YES it works! |