Sony RM-AV3100 Remote Controls

Sony RM-AV3100 Remote Controls 


Universal Learning Touchscreen Remote Pre-programmed learning infrared remote, LCD touchscreen, controls up to 18 A/V components, 45 programmable macros (up to 44 functions each)


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[Oct 18, 2005]
Audio Enthusiast


(1) Extremely versatile. Ability to control 16 components, all customizable. (2) Fortunately this versatility does not preclude ease of use. The manual is thick for a remote (100+ page, small format) but comprehensive and generally easy to follow. Once you get used to the programming method, you probably won't even need the manual for updating most functionality. (3) Programmability. Customizable labels for all components, keymacro ability for each label key, 15 system macros to automate complex functions. (4) Aesthetics/Ergonomics. The remote has a good "solid" feel, easy to find buttons and looks great on the coffee table.


Some learning combinations do not work correctly and cannot be unlearned without resetting the entire system. Confirmed this twice while teaching the right and down arrows a different function on my cable remote (using customized "STB" component). This really does not affect me on a day-to-day basis, though I had to re-enter all of my customizations. I called tech support on this and though friendly, didn't seem to have any knowledge of the product beyond what I found easily in the manual. The following are a few small anomalies which caused minor annoyance during setup, but have not affected my use of the product: (1) Cannot select an alternate display name for a key unless it is taught a learned function. (2) Component select buttons can contain either one extra function activated on press (power on, A/V select, etc) OR a 4-key macro which is activated when the button is held down for 2 seconds. I would have preferred ability to keymacro without holding down the button. (3) System control and other buttons below the component selects do not backlight.

The RM-AV3100 is an excellent product with a capable set of programmable functions. The unit comes preset to operate Sony equipment. I was surprised to see the "menu" button activated the "WEGA Gate" menu on my Sony HDTV with no learning required. Setting the remote to perform basic operation of other mainstream components is simple and can be done in a few minutes. Also quite simple to set the volume control to always operate A/V receiver volume, nice if like me, you never use the volume on your television. Performing only such a setup will leave you with an attractive if expensive all-in-one remote, but neglects the features which caused me to buy the thing in the first place. All components can be customized, and I did not encounter any features which I could not easily teach the RM-AV3100, including all functions from an Outlaw Audio 1050, a D-Link DSM320 and a Motorola HD Cable Box / DVR (1 exception, noted below). In addition, functions from one component can be integrated into another, for example adding a "wide mode" TV button to my cable box controls. The ability to add an extra function to each component-select button (TV, DVD, etc) is another nice feature, though I would have liked to see a more capable macro function here (see note, weaknesses). More advanced combinations can also be programmed. Each of the 16 possible components includes 12 customizable label keys (LCD) which can be set to any single function or a group of up to 4 keypresses (cannot be "chained" together, I tried it). In addition, 15 system control keys are also provided (3 physical buttons, 12 LCD) which can accomodate more complex macros. This remote is good with a simple setup, but much better with a bit of time spent to personalize to your tastes.

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None really, just the more low-end learnning remotes included with some of my components.

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