Samsung SIR-TS360 A/V Receivers
Samsung SIR-TS360 A/V Receivers
[Oct 11, 2004]
Audio Enthusiast
Picture and sound quality (when working). Flexible remote controls 5 devices.
It's a Samsung. 'Nuff said with respect to reliability and service. Excellent picture and sound, when it works, but this unit also has given me trouble since day one. First, the digital audio output (via the optical) resulted in very distorted sound. Rebooting the system took care of this, though Samsung promised a "firmware" upgrade to address that I never received. Now, I am getting momentary blackouts on both regular and HD DSS broadcasts, including loss of the Digital Audio output. Though brief, this is VERY annoying when you're watching a program. A friend at work confirmed the same behavior on his unit. I know it's not the input, as I'm sharing the DSS signal with another receiver, which performs flawlessly. Similar Products Used: Sony DSS unit; Hughes HDVR2. |