Yamaha RX-V595 A/V Receivers

Yamaha RX-V595 A/V Receivers 


Dolby Digital Receiver


Showing 81-83 of 83  
[May 31, 2000]
Terry Rossen


Ease of use, great remote, natural sound, great tuner, dynamic on movies and great on music!


Could use a few more setup modes to help with room interaction and speaker placement.

I had originally wanted to upgrade from the overly veiled sounding Pioneer A/V receiver I had bought for the bedroom A/V system. BTW, Pioneer's customer service is very poor (IMHO).

I replaced that unit with the Sony D635. I had it for a few months. The remote control is terrible to use. The tuner section is weak. Playback of movies is a little bright...a tad grainy. But the sound stage is excellent... plenty of DSP to play with to get the sound just right. The 635 never got hot. The Sony also makes "clicking" noises when turned off. This clicking is loud enough to wake me up. I had enough!

After hearing my friends Yamaha 5150, I immediately took the Sony back! The Yamaha 5150 is being discontinued and I picked it up at a great price at my local Sears. $290.00
They are all sold out. The new model 5250 (or the 565a) will be out mid June ($499). It will have 100 watts per channel and extra S-video ins and outs. For me the older 5150 will be just fine!

The remote control is great to use. I programmed my Sony TV, The Panasonic 120, the Sony VCR easily. The 11+ DSP modes are acessible from the remote. So are the tuner and amp functions.

The sound is fuller that the Sony, much more natural.
The amps inside the unit are Class A/B. But the sound reminds me of a Class A amp.

Also, the DTS playback from CDs is much better (excellent!) than quite a few highend preamp/processors that I have heard at several CES shows. Eric Clapton and Moody Blues are awesome on DTS with this 5150!

Try to seek out this model and get it before they are all gone! A great sonic value!

Also for those of you that have more $$$ to spend: The Yamaha A-1 is also being discontinued. The replacement model is the V-1.

Good Luck on your purchase and enjoy!

Similar Products Used:

Sony 635, Pioneer VXD D495

[Jul 31, 2000]
Peter Smith
Audio Enthusiast


I must say that this unit has many strengths, but the first would have to be that it produces clean clear audio from only 70 watts. Even though it rates at only 70 watts a very powerful 70 watts. Other strengths would have to be great DSP's, they actually seem like they work they way they should.


I can think of only two weaknesses and that would have to be NO S-VIDEO in/out's and the remote (however you get use to it).

I would have to say that this is one of the best pieces of audio equipment that I've ever owned. This may not be the most top of the line, or even powerful reciever, but for someone who lives in a condo it is just right. This unit really shines in all areas, music sounds clean and natural, and movies sound like your in the middle of the action. I would recommend this unit for anyone who is looking for a good sounding reviever but doesn't want to spend their life savings, or for people who live in a condo, townhouse, apt and have to be a little bit more careful when it comes to the volume. One last thing, I'm giving this a 5 star rating because this unit really shines everywhere except for the remote, but I didn't buy it for the remote so I didn't feel the need to factor that into my rating cause I'm getting my 5 stars out of it without the remote.

Similar Products Used:

Onkyo Pro-Logic (DD ready), H/K Pro-Logic, and Sony DD processor.

[Aug 03, 2000]
Khalid Hussain
Audio Enthusiast


DD 5.1




I must say that this is a wonderfull equipment!

But can anyone advise me how I must set the sound for dolby digital?

On what db do you have the centre/rear/surround speakers for optimal dd 5.1 sound performance and in what type(large/mid/small)?

Showing 81-83 of 83  

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