Acurus DIA-100 Amplifiers
Acurus DIA-100 Amplifiers
[Dec 17, 1997]
Bill Brooks
an Audiophile
The DIA-100 has got to be the best amplifier for under 2 grand regardless of price. I was almost ready to opt for Rotel separates at a price greater than my DIA-100. I listened to the two side by side and there was simply no contest. The DIA-100 simply disappeared. The bass was incredible, the midrange quite neutral, and the treble just a tad bright. It did cause me to buy a better cd player however. The DIA shows off all of the strengths asa well as the weaknesses of all components. The slightly forward treble works wonders on my JM Lab Daline 3.1's. Highly recommended as long as you have quality components to go with or are willing to upgrade. |
[Apr 13, 2000]
Juan Bauza
Audio Enthusiast
Great Sound
None I purchased the DIA 100 in February, 1993 (not achoice in the dropdown). The local dealer did not have it in stock, so we special ordered it and 2-3 weeks latter I had it. UPS claims that they lost the first one. Anyway, having grown up listening to Naim, Linn, Maggies, Vandersteen and the list goes on.... I wanted a descent system. I auditioned Adcom, brought back within 3 days. Had a horrible thump when you turn it on or off. Purchased a NAD 2400 which I owned for 2 years, NAD player using the variable output straight into the 2400. The system sounded great, but when I visited the local NAD and Mondial dealer in search for a pre amp, they recommended the DIA. Similar Products Used: Adcon,NAD,Creek |
[Dec 31, 1999]
Inexpensive, solid bass, good mids
bright high end The real problem with this unit is that it's easy to misunderstand how to deploy it. It is absolutely ruthless on upstream and downstream components. Unless you have a true high-end CD source, cables, and speakers, you'll find this amp to be pretty bright. Unfortunately, the low price leads many to believe that it can be paired with less expensive gear. Doing so is a waste of money and an audible disappointment. I suggest that one should take the money saved buying this unit and put it into better source, cables, speakers. If your budget is tight, consider a different amp rather than pair it with lesser gear. |
[Jan 20, 2002]
Audio Enthusiast
High current power, excellent value, save on pairs of interconnects This is an wonderful integrated amplifier. Actually, an amplifier with a really sensitive front end and a passive control section. It is built very well and almost 40 lbs. Although I have upgraded many parts of my system, the DIA100 has always been up to the task of driving whatever speakers I have considered. Similar Products Used: acurus L10, NAD 310, bryston b60, |
[Jan 06, 2002]
Mike H.
Build quality, dynamics, bass, cheap on the used market
Bright like the sun, so be careful with ancillaries This integrated amplifier is a mixed-bag. I like it, but it definitely has its flaws. On one hand, it's built like a tank, has great bass, and is detailed and dynamic. But, it can be a really bright amp and can cause listener fatigue. You have to be careful with system matching. If you're only set up with a vinyl rig, it's all good, but for digital I'd go with something mellow like a Rega Planet. Your speakers should also be neutral or on the warm side--stay away from NHT and the like. Similar Products Used: Creek 5350SE, NAD 304 |
[Jan 17, 1998]
an Audio Enthusiast
For about a grand, these are a great int amps! I'm puzzled by the others comparing this amp to Krells, Classe, Brystons, etc. Guys remember that these amps cost twice or more! At the same time, I'm smitten by these comparison to costlier amps. If you're into clean (though a bit "clinical"), nuetral, a bit bright (not as much as Adcoms)with tight bass, this amp is a steal! Also, I had to upgrade the upstream gear as this amp revealed the weaknesses of my outdated cd-player. CAL DX-2 was a good match since it has a warmer sound. |
[Jan 22, 1998]
an Audiophile
There has been a lot of saying about how good and how bad this amplifier is. Well to be frank I am now currently using AudioNote Gaku-On integrated amplifier, paired with eggleston works the andra loudspeakers. Running with Wadia 7 transport. My son is eager to follow footsteps, and as a father I bought him his first system. I got him Totem Model 1, with Meridian 506 cd player. As for power amplifier my son who is seventeen is very much interested in this DIA 100.I bought him the DIA 100. After a few months on playing them in his own Music Room, he borrowed his friend's Classe integrated amplifier. He came out "crying", telling me his amplifier doesn't perform as the Classe. I could not believe him at first, so I have got to compare them by myself. I was shock to find out that my son was right. |
[Dec 19, 1997]
Richard Griffing
an Audio Enthusiast
I am a former owner of the DIA MK11 (See my review at this site). I replaced the Acurus with a Musical Fidelity A1000. After listening to the new amp for over six months it is very apparent that the ACURUS is no match for the Musical Fidelity in terms of Bass impact, richness and warmth of sound, speed, and dynamic impact. I realize now that I was not getting the most out of my APOGEE SLANT Six's - BIG TIME. My advice to anyone considering the Acurus - audition some of the "real" high end units currently on the market first. This list includes the Krell, Classe, YBA, Audio Research, Conrad Johnson etc. Unfortunately, you can't audition the Musical Fidelity because Audio Advisor (The sole importer of the unit) is sold out. There is a new model on the way, but I do not know if Audio Advisor will sell it. |
[May 07, 1998]
Larry Carter
an Audiophile
If matched with high-end gear it is a gem. Use of a power conditioner makes a remarkable change from hi-fi to hi-end sonic quality. MIT T-2 speaker cables and interconnects are perfect, very linear and clean, smoothing the bright top end in a magic way. A pair of B&W Matrix 805's love them! I suggest critics should put a bit more care in system synergy before they reject a fine unit like the DIA-100. |
[Dec 01, 1998]
an Audiophile
I agree in large part with Henry Adams' post. The DIA 100 MK2 has exceptional build quality and musicality for its price range. I personally use the DIA for my second system. The DIA is a fairly musical amp. The music does, however, become a bit "edgy" and "grainy" on the upper frequencies. Soundstaging and imaging is impressive for its price range. The quality and accuracy of the bass is very rare in an amp that costs $999 (list). It is also very dynamic. I, too, believe that with well matched sources and cables the DIA really shines. I don't recommend using bright speakers and sources with this amp. Overall, it is a great amp in terms of performance/price. |