Anthem PVA-7 Amplifiers
Anthem PVA-7 Amplifiers
[Jun 12, 2021]
Fails Unreliable Doesn’t stand the test of time Bad investment Bad service Expensive service Weakness:
This has some voltage regulator that fails in all kinds of anthem amps. Do not purchase anthem amps. 20db differences between channels. $500 bill to fix it. Steer clear avoid anthem |
[May 26, 2020]
Strengths: Clean wide open dynamic sound from any source. It is also a seven channel amp making it really flexible in just about any set up. This amp has a very clean profile, doesn’t scream “look at me” but built like a tank. Has auto-on feature as well as manual on and triggers. Weakness:
Weaknesses: The back layout of the amplifier could be confusing to some to set up. Price Paid: 500
Purchased: Used
Model Year: 2009
[Dec 06, 2008]
Audio Enthusiast
Dead quiet
None noted I purchased this unit to pair with an AVM20 in a dedicated HT, and have been quite pleased with its' performance and reliability. It has plenty of power to drive my surround suite, and the fit and finish are excellent. The most outstanding quality is how incredibly quiet it is; an inky black background that never intrudes at high gain settings during quiet musical passages or movie scenes. Customer Service No issues Similar Products Used: Yamaha, Marantz, Perreaux power amps |