Audio Note Shinri Amplifiers
Audio Note Shinri Amplifiers
[May 05, 2020]
Strengths: Unbelievable transparency, vocal midrange, headroom and drive with 107db Avantgarde Duo Mezzo's. Bass response was surprisingly excellent for an 8 watt amp - similar to my AudioPax 30 w monoblocks. Dead quiet as well which is impressive on 107db speakers. One of the worlds best 300B SETs. Weakness:
Weaknesses Retail price of $36k Bass not quite as subterranean as my 50W 845 PP Nagra VPAs. Sub 100db speakers will show it's headroom limits at louder levels. Not your average 300B amp, but given it's price point, it shouldn't be. Price Paid: 15000
Purchased: Used
Model Year: 2015