Audio Research VT100 Mk II Amplifiers
Audio Research VT100 Mk II Amplifiers
[May 04, 2001]
David Borda
Strength: surpasses any other amp I have owned or heard..and that say's alot!!
None! Killer amp that will blow you away with any fairly efficient speaker..I have WATT/PUPPY V 6.0's. I have never experienced bass like I'm getting with any other amp/speaker combo..use the 8ohm taps regardless of speaker rating or you will not hear what the amp can do!! My refII MKII is fantastic as well..super tubes and j-fets are also used! Transparent Reference cabling and power cables seem to be a great Levinson 360s and 37 never sounded so organic and utterly smooth; the sense of ease on complex music is uncanny!! Similar Products Used: Krell FPB 600, Levinson 336, ARC VT 200(doesn't have 6h30 tubes or j-fets yet!) |
[Oct 18, 2001]
Mike Malter
Full and rich sound with very fine detail. Large soundstage with pinpoint 3 dimensional imageing.
None that I can find. I just got this amp and had to write my first impressions about it. |
[Jul 21, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
Currently own (and love) the VT100MKII -- they're going used for about $2500 now, and not much can touch them. I listened to an A/B of the MkII against the new MKIII in a highly tweaked, top of the line system in an excellent sounding room (not a dealer). Verdict: All the listeners agreed that the amps were extremely similar sounding -- ARC's putting transistors in the new model does not ruin it. However, the MKIII had significantly more detail, which made it a better amp. |
[Jan 01, 1999]
an Audiophile
I will check back in a couple weeks with my review... I just sent my VT100 to Audio Research to be upgraded to the Mk II version... I am dying here, waiting for it to return. The original version is often left me speechless. Sounds corny, but true. I can't even imagine how it could sound better... get a hold of a chesky catalog.. .. and buy some awesome music for your system |
[Dec 30, 1998]
an Audiophile
I can't improve on the superlatives by multiple reviewers who have praised this amp except to say that if you own the original version of this amp you WILL notice a large improvement by having it upgraded to the MK II configuration. If you are considering tube amps at all, you have to audition this slice of audio heaven! |
[Jan 10, 1999]
adam mateyko
an Audio Enthusiast
i have owned the vt100 for about 10 months now, replacing the vt60. what a difference. the vt100 is alive top to bottom. it has great bass and a |
[Apr 30, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
My 18-year old percussionist son and I just had the opportunity to audition a VT100MkII directly coupled to a Wadia 830 CD Player via its digital volume control. My system currently uses a Meridian Transport and DAC and Aragon 4004 MkII Amp. We compared the VT100 to Bryston 7B-ST monoblocks (500 watts each). Both products are the same price but not even close to the same sonic value in my system. The Byrstons' had somewhat more bass, but the VT100 provided the sound we had been looking for, but had NEVER previously experienced. After listening to the Brystons first and then the VT100, the improved sonics from the VT100 were not objectively explainable, but a clue during the initial listening session (I recognized after the the fact) was that I wanted to keep listening to this gem. After re-inserting the Brystons and then the VT100, the differences started becoming apparent. My son concurred with all the same positives and found no negatives. My son was the first to recognize the improved soundstage. We both appreciated the depth of the sonics and the lack of instrumental congestion and glare which allowed symphonic climaxes to be heard more accurately then we had ever experienced. On most good amps, the initial impact of the note is there, but on this amp the note's accurate decline was also present and the transition from the initial note to it's end was seamless. We compared several CD's. One that left an impression was Telarc's Big Band Hit Parade and Doc Severinsen's solo on Sing, Sing, Sing. This solo on the VT100 made the trumpet more palpable and naturalthan ever experienced. Another Telarc CD contained the Pink Panther theme and being a percussionist, my son marveled at the triangle's accuracy. I could go on about the joy of listening to this amp; however, suffice it to say this amp has only positives. It allowed my Martin Logan reQuests to show off their full capabilities. My only decision now is whether to purchase the VT100 or it's bigger and much more expensive sibling -- the VT200. While the VT100 created a spl more than sufficient in my rather large listening room (we do listen to symphonic and rock at realistic levels), I wondered how the VT200 would fair -- never satisfied are we, but my budget will probably decide on the VT100 for |
[May 21, 1999]
George Morris
an Audiophile
The VT100 mkII is a magnificent amp. It is like a chameleon: it can be big, bold and powerful one moment and subtle, delicate and sophisticated the next moment.Presumably, this is due to its superb neutrality and transparency. This amp |
[May 25, 1999]
an Audiophile
I thoroughly enjoyed auditioning this amp and soon realized that this amp provides many features of solid state while still remaining "mostly" true to the music and enjoyeable. The VT100 MKII is very accurate and neutral and is by far the quietest tube amp I have ever heard. The attack and decay of music notes, especially the piano, is as good as any amp I have heard. The amp seems to provide more than the rated 100 watts per channel and had enough power to provide more than adequate volume on my Legacy Signature III speakers. |
[Aug 06, 1999]
an Audiophile
This amp rules...I'm sure of it. Though I've never actually heard it, I do own and love my VT100 from a year ago, before the MkII bussiness. I haven't looked into the upgrade as the sound I have now kicks ass. Maybe when it comes time to replace tubes or do some repairs or something of the sort, I'll get the details. For the meantime my amp rules, so this amp rules! Relax. |