Chiro C-200 Amplifiers
Chiro C-200 Amplifiers
[Oct 28, 1999]
Audio Enthusiast
Neutral sounding with good detail and dynamics.
Not in the same class as Krell or Levinson but at its price it's not supposed to be. This is an excellent amp that few people know about. It is neutral sounding, warm but not as warm as the Carvers, not as bright as Acurus(Acurus sounds just a tad bright, even the new models). It is smooth sounding, has good dynamics, detail, able to drive difficult loads(usually a sign of good amp design). It delivers 140W into 8 ohm, 280 into 4 ohm. Few, if any amps in its price range can do that(double power output when resistance is halved). You really couldn't find a better amp for the money. |