Classe CA-100 Amplifiers
Classe CA-100 Amplifiers
[Jan 25, 2002]
Dave de Villiers
Audio Enthusiast
High Current Delivery, Stable under tricky 'speaker loads, sonic signature does not shift at differing output levels, sweet highs, clear mids and solid/fast lows.
Using single-ended inputs, found background noise "pick-up" from other electrical conductors obtrusive - hence adoption of balanced (XLR) interconnects. An audio system is just that - an audio "system"! Similar Products Used: Audiolab 8000A/8000P |
[Dec 15, 1997]
emmm, isn't the title 'CA-100' ($1495) ? why is everyone reviewing the CA-100? ($1995)? |
[Dec 29, 1997]
S. Shaffer
an Audiophile
I have heard the CA100 (the power amp, not the integrated CAP100) in two separate systems, A/B'd against several other amps between $1000 and $2000. I can understand its appeal to some, but I didn't like it. The sound is smooth, to be sure, but darker than neutral, has a slight upper bass emphasis (centered perhaps around 160-170 Hz), and the overtones in the top 1 1/2 octaves don't quite line up (especially noticeable on solo violin, cymbals, and sniffs from individual musicians in small chamber ensembles). Some speakers may have phase anomalies in the top range that might offset this last flaw, but good time-aligned speakers such as the Thiel CS1.5 or CS.5 reveal the flaw. If you don't mind the sound, the CA100 is built like a tank and carries a great warranty. But I prefer the more neutral (if less warm) sound of the less expensive Sonographe SA250 (see review), which also projects a larger soundstage. For those desiring a warm sound in a solid-state unit in a similar price range, my preference would be the Conrad-Johnson MF2100, which has a midbass hump at a lower and (to my ears) more pleasing frequency than the CA100, and better alignment of the highs (though with just a trace of sweetening and rolloff). |
[Dec 06, 1997]
an Audio Enthusiast
i think that the cap-100 is probably the best sounding integrated amp in the market today, i recently bought a cap-100 and connected it with my current system composing of a CAL DX-2 cd player, def. tech. BP8B speakers, a pf1500subwoofer and wire world eclipse interconnects and the results are spectacular. |
[Jul 27, 1998]
an Audio Enthusiast
I have lived with the Classe CA-100 amplifier for six months now and am very pleased with how it delivers music through my KEF Reference Series Three loudspeakers. The preamp feeding the Classe is the Van Alstine Super PAS 3 tube unit. |
[Dec 19, 1998]
a Casual Listener
I'm now owning a set of onkyo pre-power amp. Knowing from my friends, they haverecommended me this classe amp, but I wish that you can kindly send me some |
[Dec 25, 1998]
an Audiophile
The classe ca-100 is a class act,not many amps at this price can beat it.Handles a broad range speakers with ease.Goes well with my audio note M2 and Minima Amator.Recommended |
[Jan 04, 1999]
an Audiophile
I have been in the market for a good high end amp to replace my old harman/kardon hk870 . I recently took home a CA-100 for audition and was quite please with the sound. My system has never sounded so good. I wasn't aware that an amplifier could make that much difference. Where I thought my speakers had weaknesses, the Classe amp proved that my speakers were not at fault, it was my power amp that was. The sound was much more open, three dimensional, and clean in the upper and mid-range than what I was used to hearing. The only negative I heard was that the bass just wasn't quite as deep as what my h/k amp produced. That was the only area where the Classe wasn't superior. The bass was much tighter however. The only other problem I encountered was some hiss. My speakers are extremely efficient, so this was a larger problem than it would've been with most other speakers. The dealer told me it was likely a grounding problem. This particular dealer also carries Krell, Mark Levinson, and Acurus equipment. His recommendation was the Classe because, according to him, you got more for your money with Classe. The Levinsons were in his reference system, but I don't have 20 grand to spend on amplifiers. Betweent the Krell and Classe, his suggestion was that the Classe was a smoother sounding amp, and the Krell would be more likely to give you listener fatigue over time. He did say that the Krells would go deeper however. For the money, his suggestion was that because of the Canadian exchange rate, the Classe amp would be equal to a Krell that was twice the price. I like deep bass, so that is the only reason I'm hesitant to get Classe. Right now I am still looking around and considering Classe, Threshold, Levinson, Krell, CJ, and Audio Research. The CA-100 would get 5 stars if the bass was just a bit deeper. |
[Apr 09, 1999]
an Audiophile
The Classe CA-100 is an amp with smooth tonal balance, easy treble, musically alive and with good and relaxed soundstage.Even the worst recordings sounds enjoyable with this amp.On the other side, bass definition suffers at lower volumes, turn the volume up and the bass gets punchier, but as always, without overwhelming the rest of the frequency range, this is not an amp that emphasize the huge bass.I use in my system the REL STRATA II Subwoofer so if I want huge bass I can have it.This amp has overall musicality and it's very harmonious.Recommended. |
[Jul 25, 1999]
Pesonen Jani
an Audiophile
Very well built amp and it also looks nice. Good soundstaging and fine balance over whole frequency range, not as powerful bass as Krell amps but who needs emphasized bass anyway. I use ca-100 amp with marantz cd-67se, mccormack tlc-1 deluxe edition line control driving my oracle helicon speakers. Helicon's are quite demanding load but ca-100 performs very well. I would rate this as the best "budget" high-end amplifier around. |