Creek Audio A52SE Amplifiers
Creek Audio A52SE Amplifiers
[Jan 14, 2006]
Neutrality, compacity, sound / price ratio
Extreme bass, width of soundstage, doesn't accept banana plugs Very good power amp, but I was slightly disappointed. I have an integrated Creek 5350SE, and it sounds better. The A52SE is detailed, non-agressive, but is "dry", lack extreme-bass, and the soundstage is narrow (compared to a Bryston 2B LP). To be fair, I compared this power amp to more expensive ones. The finition is "light", but it is very well built inside. Two toroidal tranfos ! Similar Products Used: Many Power Amps: Rotel, NAD, Adcom, Parasound, Bryston, Conrad-Johnson, Quad |
[Apr 01, 2001]
Greg Falken
Accurate, non fatiguing, good soundstage, compact size, VALUE!
None that I've found. I am not able to compare the Creek A52SE with larger, more expensive amplifiers, as I have never had such units in my system. I can say with certainty however, that moving up from a mid-fi amp results in startling improvements in signal resolution and soundstage. The Creek replaced an Adcom GFA-545, which had given me eight years of trouble free service. Other equipment in my system includes an Adcom ACE-515 power conditioner, Denon DCD-820 (used as a CD transport only), Creek OBH-14 DAC/passive pre-amp (see separate review), NHT MA-1 subwoofer amplifier, NHT SW2P subwoofer (see separate review), NHT Super Zero speakers, BetterCables digital interconnect, Lindsey-Geyer and Audioquest Turquoise RCA interconnects, Kimber 4TC speaker cables. Similar Products Used: Adcom GFA-545 |