Hafler 9180 Amplifiers
Hafler 9180 Amplifiers
[Feb 18, 2025]
This product is difficult to classify: it isn't an amp, although it will drive speakers by increasing signal strength, it's not a preamp, but it does have some digital switching as well as a volume control (that can NEVER clip!!), and it's not a D/A convertor because it never leaves the digital domain! High Point Mobile Auto Repair Weakness:
None . . Purchased: New
[Jul 02, 2024]
May I see the photo for reference? soundproof plastering Weakness:
Don't have this. |
[Apr 26, 2024]
As a former musician I hear what I think is quite natural sound.- Spark Plugs and Ignition Coil repair Weakness:
none . . . |
[Sep 06, 2023]
After I completely hooked up the Adcom GFA-5500 that way like my Adcom GFA-555's are the 5500 sounded a lot smoother and much more toned down with much more clearity. It was still just a shade and I mean a shade different in complete clearity and warmth than the GFA-555's sound. The GFA-5500 is still a great amp and you wouldn't notice the difference like I would since I'm used to listening to the 555. tow truck service Weakness:
None . . Purchased: New
[Sep 13, 2022]
The Hafler, Philips and Thiel are old but the music sounds true. As a former musician I hear what I think is quite natural sound. The Thiels I have read are quite revealing of anything "upstream". I believe it! towing service Weakness:
none . . Purchased: New
[Dec 05, 2020]
Interior Residential Painting This is so good!!! Weakness:
I really want it!!! |
[Aug 03, 2020]
The 9180 is a good product to start with - I did. However, it is not up to par with High end amps. My mid fi McCormack absolutely puts any Hafler amp to shame - Better bass, mids and highs with pinpoint imaging. Weakness:
custom stickers | print stickers | business printing | printing company Purchased: Used
[Jul 29, 2020]
I acquired my Hafler 9180 from a friend who was moving. He said it didn’t work and if I can get it repaired, it’s mine. I found a guy who could make the amp work and have been enjoying it for over five years. Once it warms up the sound is rich and lively. I use an Adcom preamplifier and run the system to a set of klipsch infinity floor speakers. There are tracks that blow my mind. I struggle with the idea that there might be an amp bette than this one. It would have to be damn good. Weakness:
Like some have mentioned, the right channel can get wonky. I happen to think the issue lies primarily with my preamp since it has no DAC. I’m working on improving the device. The amp, though, is wonderful other then the occasional channel fade out. Price Paid: 0
Purchased: Used
[Jan 11, 2018]
Audio Enthusiast
I agree with all other compliments about the Hafler 9180. Owned mine since I think 1993 or '94? Purchased it through a close out sale for a mere $400!! At the time I knew this was a really good price for this amp. I was a bit surprised no one wanted it.
[Aug 13, 2017]
Allen Chou
Audio Enthusiast
Perfect addition o my frankenstein home theater system. This is a 25 year old amp and still amazing! Beats the pants off all the budget separate amps i've owned like Adcom, Emotiva, Acurus and Parasound. It even goes head to head with the expensive British equipment like Naim and Audiolab.