Mackie M-1400i FR Amplifiers
Mackie M-1400i FR Amplifiers
[Oct 18, 2003]
Audio Enthusiast
Watts per dollar. Sound. Crossovers.Quiet Dual speed fan. Price.
Not as cosmetically appealing as a standard home amplifier. Hi, I bought this amplifier to drive a subwoofer. I'm not going to carry on with words like hard-pressed and as good as anything costing 3x, I will say, this amp does it's job. I bought it to power a 12" 4ohm dual voice coil subwoofer with an RMS of 500watts and an an excursion length of 23mm. I have the mackie hooked to it off one channel, at half throtttle before it slams the suspension of the sub. I thought the amp would be over rated, but there is no doubt it is not. I will soon be switching to a pair of sealed 15" Kicker L7 subs, after realizing this amp can drive anything I decided a sealed enclosure would give me the sound I like best. THERE IS ON THING THAT IS MANDATORY WHEN USING THIS AMP IN A HOME SYSTEM, THE BALANCED AND UNBALANCED EQUIPMENT MUST BE MATCHED. I am using an Art cleanbox to match equipment. 1400 true watts with built in x-over for 330.00 is the best I could do. I love this amp and definitely recommend it for low frequency applications, but I have not tried it on my mains. System -Hand built& designed preamp/potentiometer -DiY Dayton III'S (props to the reverand) -Homemade & designed ported Strykeav12 tuned to 18htz. -2 audiosource amponeA's running monoblock. -cd Similar Products Used: First pro-sound amplifier. |