Magnum Dynalab MD-308 100-Watt Integrated Amplifier Amplifiers
Magnum Dynalab MD-308 100-Watt Integrated Amplifier Amplifiers
[Dec 03, 2008]
Customer service
No balanced output
The Magnum MD-308 is an integrated amp. whithout the tuner like the MD-208. First heard about it in 2001 from the french Mag Haute fidelité. They went crazy on this unit. After having so many products like Sugden, Sim, YBA, Pathos, Audiomat, just to name a few, I decided to give it a try. To describe the sound, one word comes to mind, stunning. Whithout going into details, if you own a Magnum tuner like me ( had it for so long) you will love this Integrated amp. The audiophile frustrations are over and although the product is not available anymore, the good news is there is a replacement in 2008/2009, (MD-309). I'ved had good products along the way but customer service seems to be a problem for some. Not here, not only Magnum Dynalab is a well establish Canadian company, it's customer service is an A+++. I would like to congradulate Larry Zurowski and is teem for the great products and excellent, excellent (should I repeat..) customer service.
Customer Service The best there is. Similar Products Used: Audiomat