McCormack DNA-125 Amplifiers

McCormack DNA-125 Amplifiers 


DNA-125, STEREO Amplifier with output power rating of 125 watts per channel RMS, both channels driven into 8 ohms at less than 1% THD, 200 into 4 ohms.

Input Impedance: 100 kOhms
Input Sensitivity: 1 volt rms
Hum and Noise: better than 98 dB below rated power
Dimensions: 19"w x 5.125"h x 16"d


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[Sep 25, 2000]
dave r


High value! Extended highs, no grain, lots of current on demand.


Who knows... Can't tell any with my system. I can't claim to have compared them to the best multi-kilo-buck offerings.

Well, I get some money from my summer job and I've been building up my system. About 6 months ago I heard a pair of Maggie 1.6's and I had to have them. The trouble was that my cheap rotel integrated wasn't even in the same league--thusly the great amp search began. The trouble with maggies is that they need a lot of power (with out it the bass disappears.) They are also very revealing speakers, making the Krell 300i about as pleasent an experience as sticking forks in my ears. It was very rough around the edges. Needing a break after the Krell I tried the YBA integre--a fantastic integrated that sounds _beautiful_. But, the bass was compleatly gone. The Krell had at least shown me what great bass my maggies were capable of. Weeks passed and audition after audition went unsuccessfully--then I finally heard the DNA-125. It had the bass and power of the Krell 300i and the freedom of grain of the YBA. But how would it do with my maggies? Amazingly well as it turned out. It handles great recordings well and even less-than-great recordings sound musically satisfying. The usual superlatives that we all know apply here without any doubt. I also listened to the DNA-125 with my friend's B&W 805's--fantastic. Hope this all helps--good luck.

My system is:

Rotel RCD-951 (fantastic for the money, not a weak point in my system)

Adcom GFP-750 (Class-A stereophile rating is no joke, but if you love hyper-detail you might try the nice McCormack RLD-1)

McCormack DNA-125 (fastastic amp--look at all the reviews here. If you don't need power try the YBA)

Maggie 1.6Q/R (I would honestly spend twice what I did to have these speakers in my system)

DIY Silver interconnects and speaker wire (a worthwhile construction job)

Similar Products Used:

Classe, Krell 300i, YBA Integre, Myryad MI120, NAD 218, Rotel 991 (amp not CD), etc...

[Oct 04, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast


Clean, grit-free sound, nice expanded soundstage, excellent overall balance.


Nothing major to report.

I was a very happy audiophile with a Plinius 8150. It is probably the best integrated out there. Recently, I was offered an incredible deal from a friend of mine on a used but mint Sim Audio P-5. Now, I have grown accustomed to the sound of my Plinius, but the tought of owning an upscale "Stereophile Class A recommended component" preamp like the P-5 appealed to me. I told my friend that unless I could hear the difference between my 8150 and separates, even as good as the P-5's reputation, I would not make the move. He suggested that I link his P-5 to a McCormack amplifier of the newest generation, such as the DNA-225. I borrowed one from a dealer for an audition. It was a distinct improvement over my Plinius it's not even funny. But still, I thought the incremental cost was not worth it. When I returned the DNA-225, the salesperson (not the usually independant I-know-more-than-you type) suggested I drop the DNA-125 in my system. Is it not less expensive and, well, a lesser amplifier? I asked. "Just try it and be prepared for a nice surprise" he said. I took his advice and I am glad I did. Maybe it's the proverbial system matching magic, but aside from less power (technically but not subjectively), everything came out liquid and palpable. The DNA-125, at least in my set-up, was THE amp that made everything come alive in a way that my still excellent Plinius could never manage. The McCormack is very well made, and sounds "organic" breathing emotion out of most of my cd collection. It is nothing short of a steal at it's asking price. . Maybe all that money being spent on full page ads by his competition goes where it counts. First rate parts, sound and value. Dont trust the little black and white 1/3 page McCormack Ads in Stereophile. This amplifier will make history and make the Krell's of the world look at their laurels.Sorry if I got carried away here but, you just HAVE TO hear this thing play your favorite music. It's beautifull,awsome, and right now the best kept secret in High End audio. Top marks for sound and emotion, top marks for value.

Similar Products Used:

Plinius integrated, model 8150

[Oct 08, 2000]


overall neutrality and balance, amazing mids, good construction inspires confidence.


absolutely none so far so good!

I was recetly on the market for a $ 2,500-3,500 amplifier as this was my budget. I was suggested to look into McCormack gear, as in the DNA-125. I was told this was the best McCormack so far. I didn't know much about the brand until I hear a terrific set-up with the DNA-1 and some Totem (?) speakers. I bought it sight unseen on the advice an audiophile friend I trust. With my Pro Ac response 2.5 the match is heavenly . This amp has a tube-like timbre on voices and wind instruments. Acoustic guitar also sounds out of this world. Maybe not the best amp if you are into rock or techno (a Krell 300i with it's thundering lows is a better choice but for musicality forget it)I also had a look at the review and I confess to having it helped my decision (shame on me!) as I know the reviewer's integrity and reputation. I heard that the looks of the unit is questionable by some. All I can say is that all of the "mill work" on the faceplate, along with having the transformers at the front of the chassis makes this a pretty heavy and classy contender.I am totally satisfied with my DNA-125.This is a steal as far as I am concerned. I have no right to expect more performance ad value at this price point, as this thing sounds like a $ 3,000 amp.

Sim Audio eclipse cd-player
Nordost blue heaven
Pro Ac 2.5 (will be upgraded soon )
Audio Research LS-15
The Essence power cord
Black Diamond racing cones.

Similar Products Used:

Naim 140, YBA integre DT

[Sep 21, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast


Overall flawless performer, all the soundstaging and usual high-end triks right.


Side edges (heatsinks) are a bit sharp when carrying,

After reading the amazing review at (click on the search engine McCormack DNA-125 )I decided to go to a dealer and have a listen "wow" Sound this good for so little money how could it be? The rest is (short) history. I am enjoying Miles Davis nightly in my living room. My only regret is to not have discovered these wonderfull no-flash, down-to-basic amps by McCormack year ago. I am totally, totally satisfied. Go out and hear this for yourself before spending more. Beautifull female voices also. Since I only unpacked this baby a week ago, I may write more later, but so far so good.

Similar Products Used:

I will pass on this one, let's just say I would need more space to list them all.

[Oct 10, 2000]
Peter Burke
Audio Enthusiast


Does everything right, no bad surprises


absolutely zero

A very good piece of sonics for McCormack. Very happy with the results so far.Going form the YBA to the DNA-125 was a shock. So much well-balanced sound. Very neutral but very clean and clear. A giant-killer in every sense of the word. I am amazed daily by what this magical amplifier can do with ordinary cd's. Audiophile cd's are heavenly. Run mildly warm, I leave it on at all times. Love the styling too. A high-end bargain to say the least. Live concerts are alive and breathing in my living room. I recommend this magnificent product highly.I also heard the DNA-225. More power, a bit less refined but a fine amp still if you need megapower.

Similar Products Used:

YBA integre DT

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