McIntosh MC225 Amplifiers
McIntosh MC225 Amplifiers
[May 20, 2000]
Tom Farrell
Audio Enthusiast
Great detail and warmth.
None noted. Maybe in time 25 watts may be an issue. Over many years of experimenting with many products -solid state vs tubes I much prefer the tube sound. I recently purchased a 30 year old MAC 225 Amp and was amazed at the quality of the sound.My then current Cary SLA70 did not compare. I was hearing things I had never heard before on some favorite CD's with the MAC 225.Can I realistically improve the sound of my system by moving up to a MAC 240 or 275? Replies are appreciated. Also to maintain the MAC 225 sound signature should I continue with my Audible Illusions MOD 3 Pre amp(Tube) or move to a Mac 33 pre amp (Solid State). Any comments,suggestions or recommendations are appreciated. Similar Products Used: Cary SLA 70 Tube Amp,Audible Illusions Mod 3 Pre AMp |