Micromega Minimum Amplifiers

Micromega Minimum Amplifiers 


40 Watt Integrated Amplifier - MM Phono Input


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[Mar 17, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast

Before I start my review, a couple of adjustments:- People in Quebec are not French, they are French Canadian and even if for some of our generally under-educated neighbors from the south, it is not the same at all.
- I have read endless complaints about Micromega and I just wonder how those reviewers believe that a company that sells players at 2, 3 or even $4000 could go much longer on the market without adjusting their products....under-educated?
- The problem with the Stage serie was the Philips CDM, not Micromega and funny enough, other manufacturers have had troubles.
- Some Micromega reviewers believe that French should stick to cheese and wine: have they heard the names Cabasse, YBA, JMLab? anyways, if wine and cheese mean cheddar and Gallo's Zinfandel, Yankees might be right: French should not waste their time trying to bring any life, culture and taste out of McDonald's citizens who have succeeded in making Future Shop junks standards in their country for audio equipment.

This being said, the Minium is a hell of a system: clear, musical, detailed and very reliable indeed. I had it for 4 months now and no complaint. I have a tip: if Yankees stick the Minium too close to a pair of orange Cerwin Vega, vibrations might occur...stick to Harman Kardon guys!!!!

[Mar 13, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast

I bought this CD player about 6 months ago and my life has began to suffer since . I've not been able to play back a single CD without having problem. It skips alot and sometimes produces scratchy sound out of a perfect new unscratched CD. This piece of junk shouldn't be sold to people. Worst of all, no dealers or distributors want to even see what the problem is. I GAVE IT UP!!!!
I find most people who rates this CD player highly mostly from Montreal, Quebec.
Is it because they are French people too and thus like product from French regardless of its truth quality? I believe if shit comes from French, these people would argue that they smell good too.

I gave 1 star because there's no other choice to select. It deserves a -1 star instead.

[Aug 06, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast

Come on people, we're talking about audio stuff. Bad designed audio stuff could be found anywhere, from any country.It is very stupid to say that people from Montreal are French and they will like French products without exception.
You may be know that french speaking for Quebec like french books and love french songs, but they don't like French, even though they call them "cousin". And do not ask an English man if he has something in common with their brothers of America. You would not make a better insult.
To think of it well, instead of spending lot of money for those CD players, why not pay yourselft a trip around the world and see that Micromega uses Philips parts which are not manufactured in Holland, but in Singapore. And from Singapore, there are Malay people and Chinese people. And Chinese people are not like Taiwanese who make CD parts for Sony of Japan...

[Aug 31, 1999]
george dwarpthyski
an Audiophile

i bought this minium cd player for sound not for reviews,i do agree that this unit is made flimsy very light,but i disagree with anyone finding fault with the sound it is excellent blows my e.a.d. cd player,that is enlighten audio designs,i like it and that is all that matters,by the way i am not french infact i am from atlanta ga

[Sep 14, 1999]
Virgil Gill
an Audio Enthusiast

I've had the Minium for about a year now, but didn't take to it at first as i upgraded from a fast sounding Kenwood amp. I have to say that i now enjoy this kit with most music although it doesn't like high volumes and doesn't perform outstandingly well with dance music. It's strength i believe lies in it's handling of vocals and though my music is mainly instrumental futuristic stuff, i can appreciate the likes of Sade with it. Not to everyone's cup of tea and although i'll upgrade at some point to match my musical taste i reckon this to be a worthwhile amp none the less.

[Oct 24, 2000]
Hallgeir omar
Audio Enthusiast


Musical detailed and upfront sound. Superaudio ready.


There are more powerfull amps. at this prise.

This is a full frequense amplifire which is a uppgraded version of the micromega minium amp.2. The new version adds power and bite kompared with the older version.
It has a very fine base sometimes produsing a full bodied eksperiens. Soundpicture is breathtaking good fokused.
I use Nordost flatline blue heaven as interconnects and the solar wind speakercable from the same company. This is nessesary to make the ballanse correct to my speakers.
Other cables can take away some of the dynamics.
This amp. doesn t like to heavy speaker loads. It is a 50 watt pr. channel and doesn`t bring u at stadium levels.
But it is able to take you to the heart of the music.
F.eks Maryah Carrey musik boks album sounds involving. Classical music runs nisely trough the speakers. The tredemensional picture could of course be deaper but that isn`t interesting when melodies and harmony is more important. It`s hard to beat at this prise when we are talking about musicality.

Cd players used in the test:
Micromega cd 2
YBA cd spesial
Marants 53 mkII

Audiovector c2
Cellestion 6

Flatline nordost cables

Similar Products Used:

Micromega amp 2

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