Micromega Minimum Amplifiers
Micromega Minimum Amplifiers
[Mar 17, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
Before I start my review, a couple of adjustments:- People in Quebec are not French, they are French Canadian and even if for some of our generally under-educated neighbors from the south, it is not the same at all. |
[Mar 13, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
I bought this CD player about 6 months ago and my life has began to suffer since . I've not been able to play back a single CD without having problem. It skips alot and sometimes produces scratchy sound out of a perfect new unscratched CD. This piece of junk shouldn't be sold to people. Worst of all, no dealers or distributors want to even see what the problem is. I GAVE IT UP!!!! |
[Aug 06, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
Come on people, we're talking about audio stuff. Bad designed audio stuff could be found anywhere, from any country.It is very stupid to say that people from Montreal are French and they will like French products without exception. |
[Aug 31, 1999]
george dwarpthyski
an Audiophile
i bought this minium cd player for sound not for reviews,i do agree that this unit is made flimsy very light,but i disagree with anyone finding fault with the sound it is excellent blows my e.a.d. cd player,that is enlighten audio designs,i like it and that is all that matters,by the way i am not french infact i am from atlanta ga |
[Sep 14, 1999]
Virgil Gill
an Audio Enthusiast
I've had the Minium for about a year now, but didn't take to it at first as i upgraded from a fast sounding Kenwood amp. I have to say that i now enjoy this kit with most music although it doesn't like high volumes and doesn't perform outstandingly well with dance music. It's strength i believe lies in it's handling of vocals and though my music is mainly instrumental futuristic stuff, i can appreciate the likes of Sade with it. Not to everyone's cup of tea and although i'll upgrade at some point to match my musical taste i reckon this to be a worthwhile amp none the less. |
[Oct 24, 2000]
Hallgeir omar
Audio Enthusiast
Musical detailed and upfront sound. Superaudio ready.
There are more powerfull amps. at this prise. This is a full frequense amplifire which is a uppgraded version of the micromega minium amp.2. The new version adds power and bite kompared with the older version. Similar Products Used: Micromega amp 2 |