Outlaw Audio Model 2200 Amplifiers
Outlaw Audio Model 2200 Amplifiers
[Mar 02, 2008]
Audio Enthusiast
Need an extra amplifier or three? Don't want to break the bank (or your back) buying and moving a JC1 or a Stratos? Your amplifier is right here. These little guys have watts and current enough to drive planar magnetics with no difficulty. The rail switching doesn't kick in until 80 watts, which is pretty gosh darned loud, and Outlaw is using some very fast switching diodes (Schottkys?) to make the transition inaudible. They have a specially made "pancake" style toroidal transformer of impressive diameter that indicates these amps will not run out of juice during demanding passages. Build quality within is first rate, pictures of the guts are available at the Outlaw Owner's forum.
No audio weaknesses. The face plate may be considered "plain jane" by the audio bling crowd. The only thing on the front is the Outlaw Audio logo and a power light (green is on, amber is standby). The Outlaw Model 2200 is the replacement for the Model 200. The 2200 is a monoblock amplifier and has a rated output of 200 watts into an 8 ohm load, and 300 watts into a 4 ohm load. Of major note, the Model 2200 is a Class G-A/B amplifier. In a nutshell, this amp uses differing rails off of the power supply as output demand is increased. The amplifier stays in A/B operation up to about 80 watts, then switches over to a different voltage rail to exceed that. The speed of this switch is critical. Outlaw claims a switch time of 2 microseconds (this is 2 millionths of a second). Rails and power supplies are nothing to be scared of. Your computer has 4 of them in use right now, and it seems to be working, yes?
Customer Service Outlaw prides itself on its level of customer service. They also sponsor and monitor a user forum. On 2 occasions that I am aware of users have posted that they were not satisfied with their service experience, In each case, someone from Outlaw contacted the poster with personal contact information and in each case, the original poster indicated that the situation had been resolved to their satisfaction. That is how the internet is supposed to work! Similar Products Used: Amplifiers without number or end.