Plinius SA-201 Amplifiers
Plinius SA-201 Amplifiers
[Dec 04, 2004]
Combination of power and refinement, which could be described as 'smooth detailed'.
Not discovered so far. I have this new SA 201 now for one week and it replaced a demo 8200P power amp. The rest of my system is Metronome T20 cdtransport, Audio Aero Prima MKII DAC, B&W 805 signature and Heavens Gate Audio cablage. Altough not burned in yet, I can describe the SA 201 as a 'gentle giant'. Sound is powerfull, but sweet and detailed. There is a lot of depth and the soundstage is huge. The amp looks nice too with its rounded facia. Built quality is superb (2 pairs of WBT speaker terminals). I compared with Krell KAV 2250 and Perreaux, but the Plinius amps sounded (much) more musical to me, which could be heared especially in the reproduction of female voices. BTW Price I payed is in Euro. Similar Products Used: Plinius 8200P |