Van Alstine OmegaStar 440hc Amplifiers
Van Alstine OmegaStar 440hc Amplifiers
[Nov 09, 2006]
Audio Enthusiast
As Above, mfg. support. great value for what it is. I will give it a 5 for value and a 5 for performance in its price range. MFG upgrades are reasonably priced when availabe .
not the ultimate in resolution, by any means the best you can buy. The AVA OmegaStar 440hc is a great value for the money. Detailed-smooth and dimensional. The build quality is excellent. I have had 5 different AVA amplifiers over the last 18 years and none of them have ever needed service. I have to again stress the value in the amplifer. If your in the $2000 price range you should check it out.t. When compaired to the Audio Research D400 MKII ($5995 new, $2000-$2500 used) the AVA's image is wider that the ARC D400 MKII. There is more bass slam with the AVA too. The Image is more forward with the AVA. The D400MKII is smother in the midrange and highs. Is this the best amp I have had? NO, there are definately better sounding amps but from my experience you need to pay a considerable higher price to get something better.
Customer Service Amoung the best I have had to deal with. Similar Products Used: AVA Ultimate 70 (fantastic little amp), Audio Research D 400 MKII, Audio Research VT 200, Dynaco MKIII |