Krell KAV-300i Integrated Amplifiers

Krell KAV-300i Integrated Amplifiers 


Integrated Amplifer - 150W at 8 ohms, 300W at 4 ohms - Class AB


Showing 121-130 of 142  
[Dec 10, 1999]
Audio Enthusiast


Fine resolution, excellent bass control, clean, quiet, powerful.


None noted. The remote could use a couple of enhancements. No phono section.

I just started upgrading my system to the next level. I had a chance to get a 2 year old KAV-300i for about half price. I am replacing a 15 year old NAD 3150 integrated amp (a very good entry level amp for $400). I'm using Magnepan MMG's and a Denon DCD-1500 CD player (both scheduled for upgrading) wired by Kimber interconnects and speaker cables to round things out.

I was a little disappointed with the way the amp sounded when I went to pick it up, but I'd heard one before at the dealer with B&W Nautilus speakers, so I knew what it was supposed to sound like. I figured the speakers the previous owner had it hooked up to didn't match well. I took it home and hooked it up to my Magnepans, which match with the Krell much better.

I noticed an immediate and significant improvement in the sound (which I expected). Though the little Maggies don't go deep, there is bass there now that I didn't know existed before. The overall impression of the high and midrange is that a blanket had been lifted and muffled details were coming out. Everything I've listed to so far has revealed details that were new to me. Recordings I thought were just poor recordings are now enjoyable. Unfortunately, the genuinely bad recordings sound more so now but that's the price of getting the better stuff. With decent source material the sound is clear, clean, unforced and even. The transients on both ends are tight and controlled. This amp does wonders with an accoustic bass and cymbals. Everything in between sounds just as good.

The only criticism I have, and this is picky, is the remote. If Krell is going to put CD player controls on the remote they should make it a programmable or learning remote. I don't have a Krell CD player and it would be nice if I could control the one I have without having to have 2. I'm looking for a suitable universal remote now.

As a side note, the baby Magnepans ($500 direct) sound almost good enough to keep now that I've got the Krell driving them. I've added the MG1.6 to my short list of speakers to audition based on what the MMG's sound like now. As far as I'm concerned, there's not a better way to spend $500 on speakers than the MMG's, but that's another review.

I'll give this amp a 5 for overall rating and a 4 for value (the $2500 for a new one is a bit pricey). You guys that slammed this amp must be using the wrong speakers. I've listened to a lot of stuff and the only amps that I've heard that are better cost multiple times more.

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[Mar 28, 1999]
an Audiophile

My local audio store recently have a "special-sale day" only for prior customers. I went to audition the Krell KAV-300i. I was surprised to find out that the regular price of $24oo was reduced (for that day only) to $1600. I thought what a deal! I must get this unit.
However, after listening some CDs I brought with me, I have to totally agree with some of the reviews posted earlier. The sound hurts the ears after few minutes, it sounds cold, analytical, with no warmth whatsoever. It became clear at that point why the store was selling it for only $1600.

Considering the price tag, it deserves ...

[Apr 05, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast

A friend of mine recently bought the Krell 300i/CD combo and I had the opportunity to audition them. What can I say but I was absolutely floored by the sound that came out of them-- tremendous soundstaging, clarity to die for, and that bottom end slam that Krell is famous for. I know a lot of people have a
negative impression about this amp, but to me, THIS AMP ABSOLUTELY DELIVERS! Just listen to "The Prayer" with Celine Dion/Andrea Bocelli and you'll see what this amp does to your emotional state of mind!

All I can say is that I'm looking to buy this amp in the near future.......

[Mar 22, 1999]

Sound is certainly big in particular in the lower range. Unfortunately it is cheap sounding. The bass sounds artificial and the mid-upper range is cold and mechanical. Don't buy this amp until you have listened to a Plinius.

[Mar 21, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast

I purchased my Krell 300i in December 1998, replacing my Acurus DIA 100 integrated amp, which for the price, the Acurus is very good, but I wanted something better. Since my purchase of the Krell, I have been very happy with the unit. Even brand new and out of the box, the Krell sounded better than the Acurus. Diana Krall's voice sounded less like a recording and more like she was actually in the room. The dealer I purchased the unit from recommended the need for a break in time of at least 150 hours before the Krell could sound its best. As the unit was used for DVD movies and music, the sound steadily improved with the bass getting tighter, and highs sounding less harsh. The Krell is powering a pair of Spica Angelus speakers, which are pretty efficient speakers. The bass from the Spicas is the best I have heard from these speakers, because these speakers are pretty lacking in bass. The Krell did a great job with the bass, and the midrange sounds wonderful. Other people who have given this amp poor ratings must have not given the Krell enough hours to break in properly. With the proper break in, the Krell is one of the best integrated amps I have heard. When the unit is auditioned by a prospective buyer, they should ask the dealer how long the demo unit has been used to make sure they are listening to the amp at its best.I recommend this amp with the highest rating.

[Mar 27, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast

A waste of money on a product that is way over-hyped. Check out similarly priced models from Plinus.

[Mar 27, 1999]
Sherif Elkady
an Audio Enthusiast

I totally & unconditionally agree with fellow audiophiles who did not like theKrell KAV-300I. This amp sucks in every sense of the word. I've tried it with a multitude of speakers and the sound is horrible. The Bryston B-60 easily outdid
the Krell in every area of sound minus the power. Infact, what's the use of
having lots of power without quality, especially at the Krell's price.

I do own the Bryston but I am not biased in what I'm saying. I've tried both
and the Bryston was an unmistakably clear winner. I am sure other similarly
priced integrateds will easily beat the Krell.

Krell, stick to what U do best : Seperate Components(Power & Pre amplifiers).

[Oct 09, 1997]
Erik Ekelund
an Audiophile

The KAV-300 was the first item I bought to create my dream system. After extensive conparisons with other amplifiers I found that it not only sounded as good or better than the others but it also cost a fraction of the price, $3600!The next job was to find matching componants. The KAV-300 is a very versitile little amplifier as I found out. Martin Logan CLS IIz were the speakers that were really wanted for the type of listening to be done.
At first, the Martin Logan sales person (who did not sell Krell) feared meltdown for the krell if the little Krell was hooked up to the CLS full range electrostaics (these have a 1.4 ohm load which is practically a short circuit). After my persistance he wired them up and he and myself were completely baffled at the openess and impact of the sound.
The Krell needed a hint of valve warmth and the CD player which was the best was Sonic Frontiers new SFCD-1 which has a valve output stage.
The KAV-300 kept up with it's much more costly partnering equipment with awesome results. The Little Krell is a giant killer!

[Dec 01, 1997]
Glenn Bauer
an Audiophile

Great product for the money but a little hard sounding.The McCormack DNA .5 Deluxe used with a good tubed Pre-amp such as a Conrad Johnson PV 12 ALhas richness that the Krell lacks.To be fair to the Krell this Mccormack, CJ set up costs more money, but from what my ears tell me it's money well spent.The McCormack gets my vote!

[Oct 03, 1997]
Rog K.
an Audio Enthusiast

Associated equipment:Teac VRDS-T1
Audio Alchemy DTI v2.0
Audio Alchemy DDE v3.0
Cyrus III (with PSX-R power supply upgrade)
Krell KAV-300i
Infinity Compositions P-FR
Sunfire True Subwoofer

Okay, so maybe the Krell KAV-300i isn't the last word in transparency, detail, bass slam, imaging, or resolution. However, there is not a single area in which it is lacking. This is quite an accomplishment for an integrated amp, albeit an expensive integrated amp.

From the outset, I knew that this amp was special when I auditioned it at my local dealer. I'd auditioned the Bryston B-60, Copland CSA-14, and YBA Integre and was favourably impressed, but was not totally enthralled by any of them.

However, when I brought the Krell home for an audition, it substantially bettered my Cyrus in every area of performance. Even with a Sunfire sub and the powered subwoofer sections of my Infinities, I'd always thought that my system was lacking bass (I think that the Cyrus is rolling off the lowest octave). With the Krell, the bass was quicker, more defined, and went deeper.

The midrange was much clearer, as if a veil had been lifted. Female vocals such as those of Diana Krall were "more there" and less sibilant and the system could now play much louder without strain. Imaging was no longer constrained to the speakers and the middle of the soundstage, but was on a continuum from outside one of the speakers to the outside of the other and well behind both.

The sound was full and rich, yet still detailed with plenty of low level resolution. In this respect the KAV-300i sounds like more expensive separates. Okay, so maybe this amp won't drive some of those huge, low impedance loudspeakers like the bigger Krells will, but hook it up to a more reasonable pair of 4 or 8 ohm speakers and you'll still get that wonderful Krell sound.

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