Musical Fidelity A300 Integrated Amplifiers
Musical Fidelity A300 Integrated Amplifiers
[Aug 11, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
Power,bass,imaging and soundstaging
Lousy remote I've had the pleasure of owning this amp for over a year now and it is the only part of my system that hasn't changed. It is a wonderful integrated and after spending a great deal of time in dealer showrooms listening to all sorts of equipment and learning alot about this crazy hobby, I can truthfully say that you would have to spend a ton of money to get anything that would be significantly better than this integrated. I just recently added a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet and a PS Audio Mini-Lab cable to power the A300 (I had been using a Monster HT 2500). The gains in soundstaging are terrific and the imaging has become rock stable. If you are reading this and you own this amp, I can't recommend this addition more highly. The cable will only cost $200 and the Ultimate Outlet goes for $300 but thats a small price when you hear the results it gets you for the money. You'll be blown away when you hear how tremendously it improves the imaging and soundstaging. It definitely brings the sound into the regions of class A equipment. Try it and then e-mail me to thank me for letting you know! For those of you looking for a great piece of equipment to build a system around this is a good one to have. You get a very good phono stage so you can keep your old vinyl. The sound even before you start fiddling with cables and stuff is excellent, smooth and detailed. If you surround it with other good equipment you'll have hours upon hours of listening enjoyment. Sam Tellig wrote in Stereophile that if you own this amp you'll enjoy it so much that you won't even care if there's a better linestage or amp for $10,000 $12,000 or more . I definitely agree. This is one of the greatest purchases I ever made. |
[Aug 02, 2001]
Neon Karbender
Audio Enthusiast
Musical, Well Built, excellent MM Stage
Speaker posts again - I had to cut my Spades off. No Headphone I recently moved and in the process sold my 8000S and bought the A300 - thus the gains and losses are either due to the Amplifier, or the new listening room. Similar Products Used: Audiolab 8000S |
[Sep 07, 2000]
Stephen Varga
Audio Enthusiast
Great sense of air and detail. Wealth of power output. Remote control. Quality construction.
none come to mind. I read the good reviews and wanted to check it out. Well, I bought it. I wasn't at first happy with the sound, I noticed excellent detail but the sense of air I was used to was not there. After playing it for awhile I have noticed that the airy qualities have been unveiled. This integrated amp is powerful. It is built like a tank, it looks beautiful and the sound is wonderful. |
[Jan 09, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
Musical fidelity-instruments sound like they are supposed to. Wonderful detail, depth and "rightness" of the music
remote is a little cheesey compared with the superb build quality of unit. Speaker binding posts are absurdly large. After spending a long time listening and considering a variety of integrateds and separates in the 2-3K range, e.g. Integrateds: YBA,Plinius,SIM,Classe,Audio Analogue,etc Similar Products Used: Replaced Adcom 545 and pre/tuner 400 |
[Mar 13, 2000]
Arif Akhtar
Big, powerful, very neutral sound, loves being driven at high volumes (without stress), a bargain price for what you get. Excellent build quality - high end touches such as remote controlled relay swithching at mid prices, and the monster of all speaker terminals!
You may not like the way it looks - personally I think it looks great. I tried several pre-power as well as integrated amps and was willing to pay up to £3000 (even more if I could be convinced it was worth it). I stumbled across the A300 by chance and was just blown away by its sound. It was able to hold its own against amp set-ups costing several times the price and could even embarass them at times with its effortless power and control. Similar Products Used: A variety of Pre-power combos from Shearne, Naim, Exposure, Talk, Arcam FMJ. Plus the Marantz PM17KI Signature and the Roksan Caspian Integrated/Power biamping combination. |
[Oct 20, 2000]
Casual Listener
Integrated, ease of use, musical, looks
speaker terminals are BIG, can't buy locally Bought on the net with 30 day return. Broke in for two weeks 24x7. Then took it to four local shops to audition with Thiels, Proac, PSB, Paradigm, B&W. Similar Products Used: Marantz |
[May 01, 2000]
Paul W.
Audio Enthusiast
I went into my local hifi shop (Moorgate Acoustics, Sheffield) to look at an amp around the £800 ish mark. After a number of visits listening to Linn, Tag, NAIM and numerous others I decided to give the A3 a go. It blew away most other competition in the price range, but then I tried the A300. The sound is just incredible, there is not much else I can say. I had to borrow some extra money to buy one, but it was worth it. Have a listen, and as previously stated the sound just gets better with time.... |
[Apr 30, 2000]
neil chan
Audio Enthusiast
build quality, price
remote i was'nt in a market for an integrated amp, am' quite satisfied with my creek but while vacationing in hongkong Similar Products Used: creek 4330 |
[Jun 24, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Lots of power, very,very clean sound
none This is one clean sounding amp. I read a review that stated that this amp was as close as you could get to a piece of straight wire with a gain control and that is the truth. If you are looking for a great amp and you want some power this is the one to get. I've barely got this thing broken in and it is already obvious that what Sam Tellig wrote in Stereophile magazine is really the facts. This amp will definitely bring you into the realm of high end audio without a really big price tag. It has a really smooth uncolored sound and it doesn't seem to matter how loud you play it; the sound doesn't break up it only gets louder. It does have a little warmth to it soundwise and I suppose that's why people say it is very close to the sound of a tube amp. No matter how you toss the coin, you can't go wrong with this one. It will get you into upper echelon sound without breaking the bank. You'll be proud to own this one.Highly Reccomended! Similar Products Used: Yamaha and Sony recievers |
[Aug 03, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Not very musical Well, I bought it because of the reviews, because my Arials were so hungry for power, and because my Haflers were a little long in the tooth. And at first I really liked it. Then Harry from Audio Dimentia called and asked what was going on. I told him and he said, hmmm, stop by and let me loan you something. So he gave me this used Audio Reasearch LS2 pre-amp which I hooked up to my very used Hafler 220. Ummmmm....the result was very musical. I loved it. Called my wife in. She wanted to like the Musical Fidelity, but felt the LS/Hafler combo sounded more musical. And quite frankly they, on the used market (only available that way) are cheaper. So I'm sending the Musical Fidelity back (with a tear in my eye) and keeping Harry's LS2. And I am really starting to like these Arials. Similar Products Used: NAD;Hafler:Audio Research |