NAD C352 Integrated Amplifiers
NAD C352 Integrated Amplifiers
[Dec 29, 2006]
Marcos Cezar
natural sound . Great detail sound.
no buy in Brazil. I need imported. I need integrated amplifier what providence me sound flat much natural. I have surprise when loud this equipment. very nice surprise. Similar Products Used: Nad C521 BEE and JM Lab speaker |
[Nov 20, 2006]
Carl Reid
Good Price.... Good Audio Quality and Power relative to price....
See points 1 and 2 in the Summary above..... Honestly, this is a difficult product for me to review..... I've owned a NAD C352 for almost 2 years and have finally upgraded to Rotel seperates (which I absolutely love).....
Similar Products Used: Techniics Receiver, Rotel Amp & Pre-amp.... |
[Jul 02, 2006]
Audio Enthusiast
The soft, natural, precise sound. The pre-out is good for bi-amping or subwoofer.
The sound is too much gentle. The bass is not solid, no enough drive for modern styles. The sound is not impressive. I have been using C352 during 1 month. I have NAD C320BEE too and now can compare them. C352 is rated as 80W per channel, but it does not seem so powerful in comparison with C320BEE (50wx2). The NAD C352 has a soft presentation of music, everything sounds natural and precise. C352 gives a little more detailed sound than C320BEE, but C320BEE has more weight on bass and sounds definetely better, dynamic, involving, with more colours. The strange thing is these two ampifiers are almost the same inside, but the sound is different... For some styles of music maybe C352 is preferable, but for me C320BEE is better, because i like a lively sound with plenty of bass and good drive. Now i am waiting for C325BEE, it must be as good as C320BEE and even maybe better. Everything Nad does has a high guality, but everybody gets what he likes! Similar Products Used: Harman/kardon HK630, Harman/kardon HK670, Yamaha AX496, NAD C320BEE |
[May 01, 2006]
Audio Enthusiast
Sound dynamics
You need a pre-amp to get the full strength of this amp.
Good device if you leave the pre-amp... |
[May 01, 2006]
Rui Seixas Monteiro
Audio Enthusiast
Sound dynamics
You need a pre-amp to get the full strength of this amp.
[Dec 21, 2005]
Audio Enthusiast
Power, price/quality ratio
Built-in preamplifier is not one of good quality I bought my NAD 352 for my Dali Concept 6 serie. Sound is warm and pleasant, amplifier is very powerful and gives good drive. Similar Products Used: Technics |
[Aug 04, 2005]
Audio Enthusiast
Sound appears to be coarse. Bass somewhat hard, not smooth. Dull looking amp (color titanium) No second pair of speaker terminals. I have been reading up reviews and searching in AV forums for a good integrated amp for my Kef Q5 speakers. I found good reviews for NAD C352 and thought that this is the best amp for my Q5s. My previous setup consisted of Kef Q5s with Denon 1802 HT receiver and a Sansui DVDP. The setup wasn't sounding good. It was lacking drive on some recordings. In the new setup I have Q5s with Denon DVD 1910 and NAD C352 which is a few days old. Played some CDs in the DVDP. The first think I noticed was the NAD 352 was really louder and powerful. Never had to go past the 9 O clock position. The sound was coming with force (the Denon HT was lacking power). However I was not thrilled by the quality of sound. The sound appeared to be a bit harsh and not very pleasant to my ears (I felt some uneasyness in my ears in the beginning even in moderate volume but now got used to the sound in a few days). The bass was hard but not deep and smooth(this could be the deficiency of the speaker too. I liked the smooth delivery of Denon. But Denon HT lacked the force). With NAD 352, I got over one problem my Denon HT was having - lack of power on playing some recordings. I was hoping the sound quality also would improve with C352 but I am not sure I got that. I am really puzzed by the good reviews I read on this amp. Overall for the price I paid, this amp is a good one but may not be the best match for the Q5s (atleast for my taste). I feel the Denon PMA 1500 which I auditioned with Q5 in a demo room probabily a better choice. There could be other good amps in the market too. I will hear it for a few more weeks and update if I find any improvement (according to some users the coarseness goes away with usage). Besides the sound - it is a dull looking amp (color titanium) but not that ugly. - No terminals for 2nd pair of speakers. Similar Products Used: Denon AVR 1802 |
[May 06, 2005]
Audio Enthusiast
I didn´t notice
- Visual design - Sound quality I purchased this amp specially based on the positives reviews from this and other audio forums. To be honest, I´ve became really disapointed with the sound quality; ok, it´s fine, but nothing really wonderful. I´ve never had that pleasant impression that a band is playing on my room. My old Yamaha receiver (V396), a much cheaper equipment, produces a sound almost as good as this amp. Similar Products Used: Yamaha RXAV396 |
[Jan 31, 2005]
Audio Enthusiast
Dynamics Amazing power Clarity
None A few years ago i caught the home-cinema bug and puchased a Marantz SR7000 receiver. A great surround sound receiver and not too bad (so I thought)with 2-channel stereo - but all along I knew that my speakers could sound better. So the search began for a integrated amp. In addition to the NAD C352, I looked at the NAD 320bee, Cambridge Audio 640 and Marantz PM 7000 - all sounded very good, but i settled on the NAD C352 given favorable magizine reviews and I caught a good deal at the right time. After a month, I can only say this thing is amazing. The increase in top end clarity and detail; bottom-end grunt and definition; and wonderfully expressive mid-range has me digging through my previously tired sounding cd collection. This is a wonderful sounding amplifier that digs out amazing levels of definition and detail at both ends of the sound spectrum - highs a bone-chillingly clear and transparent, lower frequencies are powerful and clearly defined, all the while voices are expressed with emotion and realism. The power and dynamics of this amplifier are amazing - in my fairly large listening room (approx. 13' x 26'), I rarely have to push the volume past 10 o' clock. Highly recommended !!! Similar Products Used: Marantz SR7000 |
[Dec 05, 2004]
Audio Enthusiast
Neutral - No glare. Not bright very smooth. Big open midrange. Good bass depth and definition.
The volume control could be improved. Maybe something with a light to indicate position and something built of metal. Very solid amplifier in every regard. Very clean and neutral sound with very good good bass definition and control. Midrange and highs are very transparent with no glare. This amp is a major step up from the C320BEE which I used for a few days and liked. But the C352 is a mjor improvement in all areas. System - Paradigm Studio 40v2 NAD C52 - Integrated Amp NAD C541i - Source - Upgrading Soon Audio Quest - Tara Labs - Cables Similar Products Used: Rotel, Marantz, Yamaha, Sony |