Technics Technics SU V450 Integrated Amplifiers

Technics Technics SU V450 Integrated Amplifiers 


Stereo Integrated Amp. VC4 Current drive system
45 w per channel into 8 ohm
0.007% Intermodulation distortion.
Weight 6.9 kg Size 430 x 126 x 311 mm


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[Dec 03, 2007]
Audio Enthusiast


Don’t you believe all the Technics hate mail. Having heard a lot and listened blind, I also believe that you can be subjectively influenced to hear difference when it is not there and this amp is one of Technics best. Built at a time when Technics reputation was high and it was trying to overcome some of it's negative press.


I firmly believe that so many magazine reviews are very biased and there is an unjustified negative bias against Technics.

"We don't need no stinkin' robot-assembled, computer-
controlled black plastic throw away stuff pretending
to be audio gear." - Rick Stout,

I have used this amp for six months now and have been very impressed by it’s performance. I bought it to replace my old Quad 303 33 combo, when I customised a piece of furniture.
After an hour the capacitors charged up and wow, it was as sweet and powerful as the old Quad 33. Without any of the dodgy connections or the wobbly circuit boards either.
I run a load of stuff through it, Technics SL-PS700 CD to the CD, My Topfield PVR is connected to the TUNER tab, the Panny DVD recorder to the AUX, the old Video to the Tape 1 and the TV to Tape 2. (All joined with home cooked interconnects using triple screened cables from Maplin and Gold Phono’s all nicely encapsulated with resin.)
For absolute clarity the CD can be sourced directly and there are Tone defeats that bypass that stage too.
The electronics’ use a type of Current drive, that charges up after about 3 seconds, it also acts as a protection circuit. This I think was a precursor to Technics ‘Virtual Battery’. Built in Japan, the components are all ‘Technics’ and the Caps are excellent.
The power of this amp will deliver just about anything you want without any risk of clipping. I have not moved the volume above 4 or 5 for fear of risking my speakers.
Totally without hum, switch noises, or any crackles anywhere it just delivers everything from the source.
I play a lot of ‘Michael Brook and the deep resonant Bass is wonderful. I also play Nils Petter Molver, “Kmer’, track 2. Try it. Turn up the volume and WOW. The imaging is excellent and precise.

Customer Service

Not really relevant, but contact me if you want a manual or circuit diag's

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