Trends Audio TA-10 Integrated Amplifiers
Trends Audio TA-10 Integrated Amplifiers
[Mar 26, 2020]
Karkkelley5277 Strength:
Has a HIFI sound quality. Commercial Real Estate Dayton Ohio Weakness:
None so far. Purchased:
New |
[Mar 22, 2020]
Lomholt Strength:
This is for the Trends Audio ta-10.1 Incredible level of detail, regardless of price level. Pin point imaging. Kicks my cayin 265ai class-a amp's ass (which i really enjoy, and higly recommend) in those two areas. Weakness:
The following "weaknesses" is in A/B comparison to my Cayin 265ai class-a amp (retail price when new aprox $2.500,-) Soundstage not as wide. Soundstage not as tall. Lack of dynamics. Lack of sheer power. (dB) (Keep in mind, those are shortcommings when compared to a 50lbs class a amp, at 20 times the price) Price Paid:
80 Purchased:
Used |
[Aug 20, 2009]
Audio Enthusiast
This is a great little amp, sturdily buillt , and perfect as an alternative to the amp you can use for your computer, witha reasonable set of moderately efficient speakers, I am currently using JohnBlue JB3's . Also the TA 10.1 would be suitable for a bedroom, or small listening area where space was at a premium.
[Mar 07, 2009]
This little box rox!!! It will power my LS7s (barely) which surprised me. Prefers the Clements 106s( reworked). with new drivers and X over change. Don.t forget to reset the bias after burn in. I just sit and shake my head at the sound. Detailed Warm.... im still waiting for the thing to blow up and say FU. LOL
[Dec 17, 2008]
Audio Enthusiast
Here's the deal with these amps...
[Sep 19, 2008]
Audio Enthusiast
In my sample. Big hiss that distract the listener to really appreciate the music and the SILENCE BETWEEN NOTES. I received this little amplifier on September the 12th.
Customer Service
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[Nov 23, 2007]
bob niven
Audio Enthusiast
Detail, midrange very strong, soundstaging
Only one input Wow, just out the box, not properly run in and already it's kicking my musical fidelity xa100r's arse. Detail astonishing for the price, running on monster sized (esp in comparison to this little giant slayer) kef 104.2's, which are about 92db efficiency.
Similar Products Used: Many and varied over the years, all costing 10x this at least |
[Aug 03, 2007]
The price, obviously...Trends Audio could probably put this little amp inside a bigger more luxurious-looking box and added an extra zero after the pricetag and still do quite well!
If you have 4 ohm speakers with low (e.g. 84db) sensitivity then yeah, this is not a great idea. I'm running mine on middle-of-the-road, 89db sensitivity bookshelves and have no problem hitting fairly loud (not eardrum-blasting, but still pretty rockin' loud) SPLs of around 80db in a medium sized room. And of course it's a pretty bare bones amp, if you have more than one source spend another eighty bucks or so on the T-Preamp (google it). Disregard the blatantly bogus smear-review by "Bubbles"---what a joke! Sounds like some high-end audio dealer who's scared sh*tless by all the audiophile-quality gear coming out these days with bargain basement price, such as this. I would be too if my livelihood depended on it, heh. But maybe I wouldn't sound so bitter and hysterical and hopelessly one-sided, come on! Customer Service No idea, haven't had any problems with it nor do I expect to...these T-amps are known for excellent reliability (except for the original $30 S.I. T-Amp). Similar Products Used: NAD c272 and c162
[Jul 30, 2007]
Audio Enthusiast
Very Clean, very musical
Only one line level input. No remote. Only works with pretty efficient speakers. I bought the Trends Audio 10.1 about 4 months ago. I used it to replace my Rotel RC-972 pre-amp ($895.00 new, $250.00 used on EBay) and a pair of Marantz THX, 125 watt mono-block MA-500s ($300.00 new, $150.00 each used on EBay). I use them to drive my Klipsch RF-3s.
[Jul 24, 2007]
Audio Enthusiast
Tube like sound. No perceptible distortion.
Only one audio input. Only 15 watts/channel. No remote. I bought the Trends Audio 10.1 about 4 months ago. I used it to replace a Rotel RC-972 pre-amp ($895.00 new, $250.00 used on Ebay) and a pair of Marantz THX, 125 watt mono-block MA-500s ($300.00 new, $150.00 each used on Ebay). I use them to drive my Klipsch RF-3s speakers.