Audiolab 8000 Preamplifiers

Audiolab 8000 Preamplifiers 


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[Sep 15, 2000]
Lok Lowe
Audio Enthusiast


Build quality, no-nonsense features especially gain control for matching sensitivity of speakers.


No phono-stage.

After using the Musical Fidelity X-Pre for over 2 years I was looking for an upgrade in both sound quality and convenience features ( such as remote volume control at least ). Don't get me wrong the X-Pre is a marvelous sounding pre-amp for the moderate cost and this lead me to think that spending a considerable more money would yield a vast improvement in sound. No so. I wanted my replacement pre-amp to have at least the ability to control/mute the volume remotely. Heaps of nasty pre-amps out there that offer the convenience features but not the sonic quality. I was lucky enough to obtain a two year old unopened Audiolab 8000Q in a London Hi Fi retailer. When combined with the rest of my system, this was the only pre-amp in my shopping price range that "WORKED" and offered a noticable improvement in sound over my Musical Fidelity X-Pre. The Audiolab is at home reproducing everything from Strauss to Springsteen. The soundstage is as open as the X-Pre ( remembering this has triode valves ) and the bass is very well controlled when teamed with my ME 550 Power Amplifier.
The internal design and layout of the 8000Q is excellent with a vast array of high quality electrolytic capacitors and a high enough capacitance reservoir that would put many intergrated amps to shame. The 8000Q is a fine balance, not in your face presentation nor very laid back. I wouldn't hesitate recommending this pre-amp, but chances are that you are only going to be able to purchase one second-hand seeing Audiolab was bought out by TAG McLaren. Thoroughly worth the money. My system comprises of -
Audiolab 8000Q Pre-amp
ME550 Power Amplifier
Sony XA5ES CD Player
van den Hul D102 MkIII Inter-connects
Tara Labs Prism Bi-wire speaker cable
Ambience Superslim 1400 Hybrid Ribbon Speakers

Similar Products Used:

Hardon Karman PT2300, Musical Fidelity X-pre, Musical Fidelity E20, Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista Pre-amp, NAD S100

[Mar 11, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast


This review is for the 8000c preamp. Well made and an absolute joy to use. Includes phono stage and a host of useful features such twin pre-outs and tape loops.



Having recently acquired an 8000Q preamp has made me realise just how good the 8000C is. It may not have the clarity of the 8000Q, but partnered with an 8000P poweramp, the pair have provided many years of enjoyable listening, so much so that I am adicted to buying CD's! The sound can best be described as detailed with plenty of control and weight. Having tone conrols also allows the user to compensate for any deficiencies, such as speaker cable, interconnects etc and also to tailor the music to suit your mood. Although production of this amp ceased about three years ago, they're fairly easy to get hold of second hand in the U.K. If you've got one of these and thinking about upgrading to an 8000Q, try to ensure that you make comparative listening tests.
System comprises 8000C preamp, 8000P poweramp, Monitor Audio 20se speakers (although worked just as well with cheaper Monitor Audio's) Van den Hul/Cable Talk interconnects and Audioquest Indigo+ speaker cable.

Similar Products Used:

Audiolab 8000A intergrated Amp and 8000Q preamp

[Jan 18, 2002]
Joshua Feldman
Audio Enthusiast


Excellent neutrality for the price. Phono section quite decent, but no moving coil support (not surpising at the price). Great tone controls, bypassable.


Blew a channel after 3 years. Not the last word in dynamics or transparency.

This was my first higher end pre-amp. It followed up a Vector Research receiver that was quite good, but the Audiolab was a big improvement. Ultimately I used with with a pair of Dynaco ST70 IIs driving ProAc Response 2 2s in a bi-amp configuration. This was a killer rig, which I later upgraded into the big bucks and gave the Audiolab 8k to a friend who uses it with a 100wpc Nikko amp and some better Bose speakers. That's the history.

How did it fare when driving those Dynacos into truly high-end speakers? Quite good, thank you. This is an excellent value for the price. It has silky smooth knobs, which are large and easy to grasp. The front panel is elegantly understated and modern in appearance. It has excellent bypassable tone controls. I found these tone controls unusually transparent and useful - pretty unusual. My model had a phono stage that was quite useable with good Grado moving magnet type cartridges.

When I decided to move up to a killer turntable with a moving coil cartridge I knew I'd have to move on. I began a long audition period looking at high end pre-amps. This search revealed that the Audiolab 8k was a little euphonic and glazed. It didn't quite have the dynamics or the transparency of the very best. Keep in mind I'm talking about gear costing 5 times as much here. If you've got to lose dynamics and transparency to some extent, at least replace it with nice warm euphonic glaze. The Audiolab did little damage to the music and really is an excellent value for the money.

After a few years, the right channel disappeared. It cost a hundred$ to fix but has been solid ever since. Internally the whole thing is one thick beautiful blue green epoxy board with nice fat tracings and lots of nice chunky looking discrete components including decent caps. I have no problem recommending these to anyone on the used market.

Similar Products Used:

AR SP14.

[Dec 04, 1999]
Larry Pupkin
Audio Enthusiast


As if it's not there, which is how a pre-amp should be.
sufficient number if inputs including more then usual number of tape loops.


Almost featureless expecially considering what is on the makret these days. Look at Linn pre-amp for instance and you get alot of technology without compromise in sound. But the simplicity is what attracted me to the Audiolab

As a system the 8000Q with 2 x 8000M's really does satisfty.
I have yet to upgrade my speakers and am still using my Tannoy E11SE's. The speakers are transformed ! I can't believe the bass the can produce. The Audiolabs take control of the speakers and never lose a beat. My upgrade os speakers is no longer a priority, as I am very satisfied with the sound as it is for now.

Similar Products Used:

My first pre-amp which is matched to my two 8000M's

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