Copland CTA 301 Mk II Preamplifiers
Copland CTA 301 Mk II Preamplifiers
[Apr 17, 2003]
Ilko Alexandrov
Soundstage, mids, highs, instrument placement & focus
Cannot think of anything worth mentioning A follow up on the previous review .. Taking my words back about bass limitations.. Upgraded this baby w/ Mullard E88CC NOS in the line stage and replaced the ML output - firstly w/ AMC 2100e (re-capped) and now w/ Leak ST60 (re-tubed for now ;-)) .. Musical Fidelity as source .. Shear majic ! Similar Products Used: Threshold, Rotel |
[Mar 03, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
To expencive I haven´t owned this one,just borrowed it from a dealer. Similar Products Used: Thule,Densen,Nad,Proton |
[Oct 27, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
Clarity, soundstage, neutrality, detail
Has only MM phono I listened to a few preamps before I heard this one : Linn, SimAudio... nothing to say against them. But I remember getting this one home and putting on a disc my kids like a lot. " Hey, " they said, " there's a storm at the beginning of the first song ; you can hear rain and thunder. We never heard that before. " I heard it too. What had been confusion and mud turned out to make sense after all. |
[Sep 02, 2000]
John Olcott
Audio Enthusiast
Excellent fully Valve Phonostage. Magnificent construction and circuit design. Strong dynamics, low distortion, liquid clarity exempt of all agressiveness.
Must be matched carfully with the right power amplifier. Sounds awfull with solid state Power amplifier. Does not have XLR (balanced) inputs or outputs I have tied quite a few different systems, and the Copland CTA 310 Pre amp, wasn't the first thing that atracted me to Copland. I started with the CDA 288 Cd player which I had auditioned in a HIFI store using the CTA 301, the Magnificent CTA 505 Valve power amplifier and a pair of Chario Academy Speakers. The Cd player was Being compaired with a Naim CDX and a Classé, all three cd player were HDCD compatible - a novilty at the time. I was so impressed that I bought the CD player on the spot. Similar Products Used: Cary SLP-50B, LUXMAN C-5 |
[Nov 19, 1999]
Audio Enthusiast
Transperancy, smooth highs, tight, deep bass
could use more mid-range warmth The Copland is an all tube design preamp. Its line level amplification is achieved by Sovtec 6922 double triodes, one in each channel. The RIAA section is composed of 2 matched pair of 12AX7 (Sovtec) double triodes in shunt regulated push-pull. It is now available with remote control. Similar Products Used: BAT 3Kvi, Moon P-3, |
[Feb 08, 2001]
Ingmar Benjaminsson
Audio Enthusiast
Rich and clear soundstage. Very sweet mids and treble. Clean bass. Suits all kinds of music. Great build and overall quality impression. Good looking!
I little lack of control in sub bass area? No remote control (available on new models) I bought this used (6 months old) preamp from a dealer in Sweden. Actually, this is the first audio equipment I´ve been happy with for more than 2 years. It still gives me that joyfull feeling every time I listen to music. And my impression is that it will last for eternity. Really heavy duty build! Similar Products Used: Quad 34, Tandberg 38A, Sentec SC-9 |
[Apr 17, 2001]
Jens Ranefjord
Follow up: |
[Apr 13, 2001]
? This is the best pre amp I've ever heard. I used to own one, but it broke down because of a fire we had some months ago! Well, I miss it. This is a good preamp and it works fine with solid state pwr amps too. Im using The new Quad pre now and its pretty good, but its lacking a bit in "get up and go" and soundstage. The copland is better. Buy it! I give it four stars because there are probobly better pre amps to but, but at the price, its a dream. Similar Products Used: Quad 77 - 99, Audio Analouge, linn, naim |
[Jan 11, 2001]
Ilko Alexandrov
Very detailed preamp, with a beautiful 3D, transperant soundstage, sweet highs
Lacking in the bass. Controls look solid, but feel flimsy, easy to beak What an improvement on the Thershold, which i view highly! New sounds, depth of soundstage, the sweet highs, did not have much time to listen until now. Tried some Roger Hodgson, Coldplay, Bob James on it - magic ! Bass is gone though - compared to the Threshold .. Config : Rotel RCD 991, Mark Levinson 27.5, Sonus Faber Concerto (biwired), top of the range IXOS - interconnects, speaker. Similar Products Used: Threshold Fet2 |
[Apr 28, 2000]
Janis Lykakis
Audio Enthusiast
Sound :-) details etc blabla
No XLR in/out In my system, I compared the Copland with the electro- Similar Products Used: Electrocompaniet ec4.7 |