NAD 1155 Pre-Amp Preamplifiers
NAD 1155 Pre-Amp Preamplifiers
[Oct 26, 2023]
I love your product! Thank you replacement social security card Weakness:
none so far |
[Oct 24, 2023]
Overall a nice pre-amp, I like how it looks and the 80s feel and it does sound good… I got it in a barn find and the people never used it, so it was like new inside… I just sprayed in some cleaner DeoxIT D5 into the pots for volume and balance and there is a hole on the side on the input selection mechanism (inside) and it sounds beautiful, 0 issues and everything looks new - lucky me! I also never had NAD anything before - it is paired with a B&K EX-442 amp. Weakness:
Nothing if it works, haha ;) Price Paid: 0
Purchased: Used
[Jan 10, 2017]
Jay Johnson
I have used this Preamplifier with three different turntables and two different power amplifiers since 1985. It sounds great in any case. I don't remember exactly what I paid for it from Woodbridge Stereo in West Long Branch,NJ but it was very reasonable. It still has very Dynamic,,Natural, and nonfatiging sound to this day.Their are two things I would like to get repaired in this unit (The power delay reed and the noisey volume control ). I really don't know how any preamp at even twice the price of this unit even today could sound signifigently better! I have the 4155 Stereo tuner and 6155 Stereo Cassette Deck and they are magnificent.I HAD THE 2200 Power Amplifier with it. Then I replaced it with the Eagle 2 by Electron Kinetics.The Preamp sounds excellent with both of them. As you can see, I get more excited by vintage equipment then new. Nad has never rested on their lurels. They have great new products ever.Keep up the good work
[Dec 04, 2011]
Fernando Alvarez
He tenido a lo largo de mi vida, 58 años muchos equipos de audio y por tanto muchos previos, incluidos varios Musical Fidelity, algún Mcintoch y otras marcas de precios su suites a los 2000 euros. Ninguno ni por aproximación se acercan al sonido que ofrece este pequeño previo, es fantástico en todos los sentidos y desde luego superior a los posteriores de la marca. Los graves que ofrece este previo son inconmensurables con una pegada y claridad impresionante. Toco el bajo y se apreciar los sonidos graves siendo los de este previo difícilmente memorables. Por otro lado tanto los agudos como los medios son una delicia. Quizás un poco menos de realce en medios mejoraría el aparato, si bien se trata de una apreciación personal sin mucho valor técnicamente hablando.
[Feb 21, 2009]
Audio Enthusiast
I took it to sibstitute a DIY tube preamplifier that with in other chains is very good but not in my chain 'cause was not able to drive my Pass Aleph5 power amp. The input impedance of the Pass is quite low (10kohm) and needs a stronger signal from the preamp to be driven properly. The Alpha5 is very, very transparent and changes its sound as you change every piece of the chain (incl. cables). So I can have an affordable comparison between a tube/a solid state preamp, even though this NAD 1155 costs a third or less than a midprice tube preamp.
[Mar 05, 2008]
Audio Enthusiast
Cost, Bass EQ, Loudness, Bass extension and control.
None I have to say I am surprised there is only one review for this classic piece of beauty.
Similar Products Used: Yamaha,Sumo,Parasound |
[Mar 05, 2008]
Audio Enthusiast
Cost, Bass EQ, Loudness, Bass extension and control.
None I have to say I am surprised there is only one review for this classic piece of beauty.
Similar Products Used: Yamaha,Sumo,Parasound |
[Dec 08, 2007]
Audio Enthusiast
Clarity - Neutraility. It just seems to get out of the way and let the recording come thru.
So far, none at this price level. This is my first review. Started getting back in to h-fi and found this site to be amazing. The reviews are generally right on and have helped me tremendously inf finding eqp. to add to my collection.
Similar Products Used: Kenwood KC207