Marantz SR-66 Receivers
Marantz SR-66 Receivers
[May 01, 2019]
ngich Strength:
Yet to use only an year but its a very good old model and very suonding even with low powered speakers,and no speaker burning at all VERY NICE Weakness:
No spares were i came from i have no remote and cant be found Price Paid:
10000 Purchased:
Used |
[Apr 17, 2019]
mors432 Strength:
Very reliable I've used mine everyday for twenty years. Extremely well built weighs over 25 lbs. Quality pure sound. Works well as a home theatre. Outstanding tuner. Weakness:
Not digital no HDMI hookups. No phono input Price Paid:
300 Purchased:
New Model Year:
1997 |
[Jan 20, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
Very clean sound, decent power, nice controls layout.
Lack of digital inputs, but I don't need them anyway. I was shopping for Paradigm Monitor 7's and happend to notice this receiver. I asked them to plug it in and test it with the 7's. The sound quality was very close to the $1500 Denon receiver they had hooked up before. Excellent for stereo and music but only has Pro-Logic, no digital. Similar Products Used: Kenwood VR-405 |
[Jul 20, 2001]
, Jim
Audio Enthusiast
Clarity, looks, price
Remote frequency This is a very clean receiver, with plenty of power for high-efficiency speakers (I use Infinity SM-112s). There are ample hookups, and the lack of DD does not disappoint me much, as I mostly use the surround for VHS. Very good receiver for the money. I like the Marantz name, even though owned by Philips. It's like buying a Caddy vs. a Cavalier. |