Benz Micro MC20E 2 Cartridges
Benz Micro MC20E 2 Cartridges
[Aug 05, 2007]
Audio Enthusiast
very "musical" in a way i can't describe. Easy listening and smooth.`
Not a lot of bass.. Since I have warm speakers and a subwoofer, no problem. comparing to Denon 160MC and Shure MV5vr. Two homes and speakers. 1st home was a plasterboard warm apt. The Shure was about the same sound but worse sound stage and less "musical". Bought the Denon after having the shure stolen so can't compare. The speakers were Pioneer RS-700's with the best trasient response in the bass and midrange but weak and edgy treble. Denon's had better bass but were less "musical" than the Micro's. Prefered Denon's with rock and Micro's with all else. Moved to a mobile home with reflective walls (very bright). Bought Monitor Silver S6's (way superior except for bass trasients) and a Boston Acoustics subwoofer. Now the Denon's lost their bass advantige and sounstage. MC20 has the same excellant sounstage as before but even more "musical". My Denon will be up for sale on e-bay. The Micro's rule! Rating is based on price. Haven't experienced a >$300 cartrige. Similar Products Used: Denon 160MC and Shure V15 v.5 micro tip |