Element Signature Titan Cu es Interconnect Cables
Element Signature Titan Cu es Interconnect Cables
[Sep 17, 2011]
strange land stranger
Several years ago, in an earlier incarnation of my two-channel system, all my wires: power, interconnect, and speaker, were from Element Cable. I had settled upon them after going through trials of literally dozens of affordable cables from more companies than I can recall, and was actually finally pleased with the sound of my system. My Element Cables were, above all, listenable for long hours without getting in the way of the music. I simply didn't hear the cables, just the music. Nirvana? NO. There was a snake in my garden that eventually whispered, " If your system sounds so good now, just imagine what it might do with music if it had those uber-expensive almost magic wires I read about in TAS and Stereophile. So, I swallowed hard and bought two pairs of Stereo Knight X-Link Balanced Interconnects, at $499 a pair.