JPS Labs UltraConductor Interconnect Interconnect Cables
JPS Labs UltraConductor Interconnect Interconnect Cables
[Sep 07, 2019]
Let me state from the beginning this is not the fastest, maybe even not the most transparent IC I have. At the same time, one of my long-standing CD in my collection is actually a compendium sung by Miles Davis, and one collection that got played through the years; the pervasive opinion being, as well played during those years, that it is a shrill recording. The music just sounded as if the upper frequencies have been strung like an arch's chord. First time I played the well played recording through the JPS cable, and it looked like the poor fellow squeezing his cheeks was trying to tell me something. That something was music. Maybe I did not get all the meanings to his music, but what I got was finally some music. Now, there are music cables and there are Hi-Fi cables; the former they convey music, while the latter let you delve into microdynamics, resolution and what not. I said in the beginning that the JPS cable is not the fastest, but it is the most musical. This cable plays one instrument or four different ones with the same focus, albeit with their own energy. Now, it wouldn't be fair to write about a single component. Sound has as much or more to do with the whole system, ranging from power outlets to speaker stands. Having said that, JPS Ultraconductor was the only interconnect which wrapped my system together in a musical manner. Weakness:
None that I could find. Price Paid: 300USD
Purchased: Used
[May 22, 2012]
I have the UltraConductor ll's. Interesting that there are not any reviews here on these!