White Zombie Audio LA CACANYA Interconnect Cables
White Zombie Audio LA CACANYA Interconnect Cables
[Oct 12, 2007]
Jeff Harper
All the information from your cd or turntable is going to make the trip.
None I have used and tested these cables along with very high end cables ranging from $200.00 dollers per meter to well over $3,000.00 per meter.The first thing you notice is extreame attention to details both in build and sonics,They are hand made using pure silver single core 26awg.wire one carrior two returns for proper balance.They are well sheilded RF rejection is a 10 + with these cables,they are very fast,attack and decay will blow your mind and is hard to belive at this price.sound stage is both deep and wide.when sampled on Audio Note single ended triode mono blocks details stand the hair up on your arms and neck and bring the vocals up front and center,they are transparent and don't color vocals in any way.I have also tried them with high end solid state gear as well and in all cases these cables bring loads of information to the table,After changeing out my much more expencive cables to whitezombies I tried all his cables and found no differance in sound between modles,the level of sheilding or choice of locking LOC conectors or non locking is the only differance and to date this modle is top of the line at a give away price. Customer Service owner of the company stands 100% by his product and can easily be reached . Similar Products Used: Audio Note ,Kimber,Apature, |