BetterCables Premium Speaker Cables

BetterCables Premium Speaker Cables 


- Hand-terminated with Silver solder and your choice of connector type. - 4X14AWG-conductors, twisted in pairs - yields 11 AWG. - Ultra-pure bare copper, PVC insulated, conductors. - High Flex Design. - Compares favorably to much more expensive "botique" speaker cables!


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[Apr 16, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast


Dramatically improved imaging, greater detail (especially in the higher frequencies), and tighter, better defined bass.


Few that I have discovered yet. The outer nylon sheath is more of a magnet for pet hair than standard rubber coverings (if this can be called a weakness).

First let me say that this review will be somewhat hindered by two factors. First, I have only compared the BetterCables to the 10 gauge Monster cable and not to any other specialty speaker cable. Secondly, my better sound system has been rendered out-of-commission as my pre-amplifier is undergoing repairs (I use a Yamaha DSP-A2 as a pre-amp, the Rotel RB-985mkII amp and the older but capable Yamaha CDC-735 CD player). So, for this review, I had to resort to using the Yamaha RX-570 stereo receiver.

BetterCables is remarkable in that it is a true specialty cable company. You can get any cable in almost any length and terminated in whatever way you wish. Furthermore, Brad Marcus, the company founder and president, is really devoted to customer service. He spent a half hour on the phone with me (on his bill) to discuss cable options.

The premium speaker cables are a great looking pair of cables. Some may be skeptical about the build quality of cables from a little known company, but I am impressed. There are two pairs of 14 gauge conductors, each in a twisted-pair configuration, in each cable. This makes a net guage of 11 going to each binding post. BetterCables uses a slick looking nylon sheath to cover the PVC insulated conductors which not only makes the cables very attractive, but also quite flexible. The cables are terminated with silver solder to a lug of your choice (I chose the banana to banana plug configuration). There is a bi-wirable version of this speaker cable, in which each pair of the 14 gauge conductors is unraveled at one end and terminated. I wanted to go this route, but Brad convinced me that using the singly terminated cables with a good pair of jumpers (which he conveniently provided for $20 each) was a better option.

Compared to the Monster Cable I had been using, there is not an aspect of my music listening that has not been improved with these cables. The first, and most dramatic improvement I noticed was in the imaging. One of my favorite CD's is a live performance by Paco de Lucia, Al di Meola and John McLaughlin (acoustic guitar concert in San Francisco). I would occasionally lose track of each of these performers with the Monster Cable, or even find that their stage positions seemed to shift during songs. Now, however, source localization is pin-point. I also noted much greater detail and clarity (for example, fingers on strings were much more audible as were the occasional vibrating string striking the wooden guitar case). All this made the performance seem much more real.

For bass analysis, I played several Blues tunes. I found that bass was a bit tighter and more accurate than before, but this was not as dramatic as with the elements I discussed above (I had always thought that one of the Monster Cables' strengths was in bass performance).

A final word about “brightness.” I have always hesitated to use that word, because I think that it is over used and hence becoming rather meaningless. However, with the Monster Cable, I noticed that music would occasionally sound a little to sharp, and sometimes a bit too harsh such that I would experience some degree of “listener fatigue.” My ears would ache slightly and I’d have to turn the music off. I always attributed this to the combination of my electronics and speakers, however, with the BetterCables this is no longer true. My music sounds soft and smooth, even at high volume levels, and I have not experienced any fatigue with any source material. I am thrilled that the BetterCables speaker cables were able to finally eliminate this “brightness.”

In sum, this is a great cable. I expect that I will notice an even bigger improvement when I am finally able to use them with my DSP-A2 and Rotel Amp. I also expect that those with better electronics than mine will likely experience much larger divedends, as I think this cable has more to give than what I have been able to coax out. Brad provides a lifetime warranty on these cables, as well as a six month return policy, so you should check them out.

By the way, in addition to the electronics I mentioned above, my speakers are Pinnacle Classic Gold Towers.

Similar Products Used:

Original Monster Cable

[Oct 09, 2000]




Same as any cable

These cables are as good as any other mid-priced cable, the value is they ~look~ better or should I say "more expensive".

But after looking at the reviews and noticing that soooo many people have used/bought a cable that "popped" on the scene makes me wonder if the good people at BestCable haven't stuffed this review box with there own reviews.

Funny how so many people compare to Monster and all the prices (down to the cents) are in place as well as pic's and listings of every cable they make. With plenty of reviews to boot.....

Hey could be just me.....but for the price sure their worth it why not, theyr'e cheap and they look good and should be on par with any mid priced system.

Similar Products Used:

Why has everyone said Monster (wondering if all these reviews are FAKE)

[Apr 25, 2000]


Build quality. Performance



My original speaker wire was 16 gauge generic. I then went to 12 gauge monster cable with a marked improvement in overall performance with which i was happy with.But,after reading reviews of better cables i thought i would give them a try not really believing there could be noticible difference but the reviews were convincing.These cables perform!! My final comment is if you are shopping this price range ,or, much higher you better not short change yourself. Get these cables!! How can you not be satisified with their guarantee and superior service?

Similar Products Used:

12 gauge monster speaker wire

[Jun 28, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast


Customer service, build quality, performance, performance, performance!!!



From the moment I hooked these cables up I realized I had made a terrific discovery. I owm a Denon D-M10 mini-component system(40 watts per channel) so I was a little unsure if my system would benfit from high performance speaker cables. I was looking for a better sound out of my system. For months I had been using Monster M1000i interconnects from CD player to reciever with standerd Monster XP speaker wire. On a whim I decided to see how my system would sound with the factory RCA cables provided w/the system and, to my utter shock, the system sounded- OUCH- better! I felt sick! I couldn't believe it, I paid $200.00 for these cables thinking my system would only benefit, but instead of bringing the music to life these cables restrained the natural potential of my system and speakers. But this in a way was a revelation for me. I still felt I could get my system to sound better and so I began to explore other options that lead me to the internet. Wanting to believe that speaker cables would make a difference on my system I focused my attention in that area and after reading all the positive reviews of Bettercables, not to mention how relativley inexpensive they were(I've wasted enough$$) and they have a 6 month return policy, I purchased a pair, spade to pin.
Well, as I said, I've made a discovery which is simply that these cables perform, flat out perform incredibly well! I've discovered that music can sound smooth and have great "frequency response" at the same time regardless of volume level. I've discovered more detail and texture in the sound, in the music. I've discovered I can put bass at 0 and tremble at 0 and just sit back and let my system do it's thing. I've discovered I don't have to turn the volume down when say a song is about to explode with sound, as some songs do. I've discovered I can listen to music for hours upon hours w/out becoming strained in the ear. I've discovered that I don't have to spend a lot of money to get high quality cables that will give me that "nirvana" type listening experience.

Similar Products Used:

Monster cables, speaker wire/interconnects

[Aug 02, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast

I really don't have a review of the BetterCables speaker
cables, but a question. I bought their digital coax and
S-Video cables and am very satisfied. But both of these
cables are very stiff which is not too important for these
types of cables since they are behind the equipment.
But I really don't want speaker cables that stiff.

They look to be the same material. Are they as stiff?

[Aug 07, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast


Tremendous soundstaging, detail


Extremely unforgiving of upstream equipment, can sound harsh on some systems.

Initially, I was bowled over by this cable's detail and soundstaging. I was hearing so much more of the music that I could scarcely believe it. However, the more I listened the more I wanted to run under the couch. The sound was just too overwhelming. After trying a number of different amp/speaker combinations, I finally decided that much of the harshness I was experiencing was the fault of the cables themselves. For instance, I ran our DBS through my system and with the bettercables, the S's were exagerated and harsh. Snake became ssssssssshhhnake. Many other of the highs were equally harsh and exagerated. Frankly, I realize that DBS is not the best sound quality in the world and it is probably not fair to test cables in this manner. But the fact is I run a mid range Yamaha reciever and we do use our system for both HT and music. In the end I went to a local dealer who allowed me to audition a wide variety of other cables. I ultimately settled on Tributary SPB6BW Speaker wire and SCA 150 silver/copper interconnects. It could very well be that the Bettercables are actually "better cables" and simply revealed much of the harshness that is inherent in my midfi system. But, the fact remains that once I changed cables, the problem was eliminated. In summary, if you are running very good equipment such as Krell or McIntosh, these cables may be worth a listen. However, if you are running a mid-fi system and think that these cables sound harsh--its probably because they do. I have no axe to grind. Brad Marcus is as fine a gentleman as you can ever hope to do business with and his cables are beautiful. I wanted to fall in love with them, but couldn't. With my system they were just too harsh.

Similar Products Used:

Tara Labs Reference and 500, Various Kimber Cables, Tributaries SP6BW, Monster (Fat Pink Stuff)

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