Crystal Clear Audio Standard Interconnects Speaker Cables
Crystal Clear Audio Standard Interconnects Speaker Cables
[Jul 27, 2003]
Lovely "even" and coherent musicality throughout the frequency range
A little delicate because they are only silk wrapped. Not a problem and new "coatings" have taken care of that I have used 16' special interconnects between preamp and monoblocks and find them to be essentially similar to AudioTruth Diamond.2. No RF problems and the characteristic, musically elegant sound one gets with SILVER! Similar Products Used: AudioQuest?AudioTruth Diamond.2 and various Cardas models |
[Apr 24, 2003]
Jules Coleman
Neutrality, harmonic richness, warmth and coherence. also very well made and great customer service.
none at the price This is a review of all of the Crystal Clear cables: the interconnects as well as the reference speaker cable. These are all solid core silver cables hand tuned and hand constructed by the designer. No machine made product here. Pride of craftsmanship matched only by extraordinary build quality and sonics. This is a very detailed and harmonically rich, and warm sounding cable that works beautifully with both tube and solid state equipment. The sound is inspiring and emotionally involving. Both the speaker cables and interconnects share the same sonic signature and work well together. The sound is neutral and open, but extremely warm and well focused. This is one of the easiest silver cables to listen to I am aware of. It is the equal of cables that are far more expensive and is right at home in even the most highly resolving reference systems. IMHO it is the equal of audio note silver cables and exceeds the offerings from Acoustic Zen, Synergistic, Goertz and Zu -- all of which I have listened to extensively in the past two years. This is an excellent value in every respect. Similar Products Used: Acoustic Zen, Analysis Plus, Zu Warmouth, |
[Mar 20, 2003]
Unbelievable, unbeatable value. Transparency. Wides soundstage. Excellent imaging. Wide soundstage. Balanced, linear sound. Warm, full-bodied and superbly musical.
None. Not a one. I've been in audio for 50 years, 10 of those as a high-end loudspeaker manufacturer. All I can say is, "I love these interconnects. Crystal clear is to cables what BMW is to cars--sound for sound, it is the best value, the most balanced performer, and all in all, the finest sounding interconnect I've ever heard. In direct A-B comparison(which Mel of Crystal Clear urges owners to make)between a $125 older version Crystal Standard and Synergistic Research's $1000 active shielding Resolution Research and $2000 active shielding Designer Reference (CDs and SACDs, jazz and classical, vocal and instrumental) played over a Sony SCD 777ES, vtl amp and preamp and PSB Silver i speakers, the cables were so close we got them confused and ended up generally preferring the Crystal Standard. That tells you that Mel's multi-stepped "tuning" of the solid silver wire does in fact lower capacitance and resistance and does act to add added noise suppression. Otherwise the active shielding Synergistic Research cables would have been discernibley quieter. They weren't or we wouldn't have gotten confused. Mel tells me his secret, time consuming tuning treatment also balances the signal. and it seems to. The Crystal Standard had better imaging, a wider soundstage, was clearer and more open, and was smoother, warmer and more musical. Finally this $125 (0.5 meter)interconnect was as quiet! Amazing!!! Similar Products Used: Kimber, MIT 330 Series II Terminator, Synergistic Research active shielding Resolution Research and active shielding Designer Reference |
[Mar 19, 2003]
Audio Enthusiast
Lively and warm
None I have this Standard cables too and Its sounds really incredible. Similar Products Used: Kimber, Cardas and Audioquest |