Discovery 1-2-3 Speaker Cable Speaker Cables
Discovery 1-2-3 Speaker Cable Speaker Cables
[Jan 04, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
Neutral cable that will bring you "feast" of detail, and realisticly tight bass!The Best cable, maybe up to 1K?
Cheap looking, and not very flexible. Another proof that you cannot judge book by its cover! It was by reading Stereophile recommended components, when i heard about this cable. The price was attractive, $300, single or biwire, at no additional cost and review was very good. At the time i owned Linn Majik integrated and Aci Sapphire II, with Linn K-400 cable. I have had LK-400, for almost 4 years, and it "survived" trial by MIT-4 and Audioquest Crystal. LK-400 was better cable in this particular system. Similar Products Used: LK-400, Audioquest Crystal, MIT-4 BIwire. |