Discovery Power Cords Speaker Cables
Discovery Power Cords Speaker Cables
[Mar 08, 2001]
Timothy F. O'Connor
Audio Enthusiast
Like their other cables. . .Musicality!
Again, like their Signature interconnects. . .slightly on the warm side of neutral. (To me, better than the dry side). This is a 6 foot power cable that I am using to power an older Theta DAC (DS Pro Basic II-fully balanced) in my second audio system to very good result. The Theta is slightly bright sounding overall and the Discovery cord ameliorates this nicely. A good combination. This cable is about on par with the Cardas Quadlink 5C that I am using to power some equipment in my Reference System. $75-$100 is about the right used price for this cord. Similar Products Used: Cardas Quadlink 5C, Golden Hexlink, and Golden Cross. |