MIT Cables 330si terminator Speaker Cables
MIT Cables 330si terminator Speaker Cables
[May 19, 2000]
Audio Enthusiast
clear, some extra bass,
too bulky The price was up the roof but it was worth listen to. |
[Jul 27, 2001]
Burhan Olley
Audio Enthusiast
I am actually a pianist who loves music so much. I received my cables last week and I burned it for at least 2 days non stop. The result that I got was so gooood, the treble was just like what I expected, it was natural somehow. Compared to my Pure Note cable, this MIT cable sounds better to me. The silver cable is too bright for my titanium tweeter which makes me tired after a long listening. The bass was good, preety tight and fast. Overall, this is the cable that I like so much. |
[Dec 01, 2001]
Jack Vanderjagt
Audio Enthusiast
Het geheim van het filterkastje
niet geschikt voor elke luidsprekerbox Nou, Nederlandse lezers, wanneer je deze kabel hebt aangesloten op je bijpassend hifi-systeem , is je eerste reactie bedroevend, voor zoveel geld. Maar na even inspelen ging er een werled voor me open. strakker laag en mooier hoog,zo zuiver en subtiel, zelfs in de ruimte die aan het ideale beeld van slecht voldoet. Het is een zeer aangename ervaring, diepte en openheid beleven. Jammer genoeg heb ik niet kunnen beoordelen in zijn volle sterkte, juist vanwege deze slechte akoestische ruimte en juist daarom maakt het zo moeilijk er een goede recentie over te schrijven. Het juiste wat ik zeggen kan over de kabel is dat in de moeilijke gebieden voor een speaker deze kabel warm en toch analitich kan weergeven. En wat is het geheim van het kastje Hoe dan ook, het geluid frist er echt van op. Similar Products Used: Luidsprekers van Audiophysic |
[Dec 12, 1997]
an Audiophile
MIT is the product you can count on. My system consists of Mc Cormack tlc1 and amplifier power drive dna 1, Martin logan request speaker, california audio lab transport delta and sigma 2 tube dac. MIT interconnect really enhanced the clarity and detail of martin logan sound. I have audition audioquest lapis 3 and xlo signature 1.1 , still MIT beats them in term of bass and clarity. XLO 1.1 is the closest to the MIT. NO doubt MIT is the product recommended for all serious audio listeners. |
[May 22, 1998]
an Audio Enthusiast
Until a year ago I was using MIT 330 II+ in my system with a MacCormack DNA-1 with very good results. I switched pre-amps to a Sonic Frontiers Line 1 and found that the MIT 330 sounded very bright. I eventually switched to Transparent Super, a similar cable. My Transparent dealer told me that MITs tend to have more compatibility issues then most cables. Try before you buy. In the right system the 330 II+ is a very musical and dynamic cable. |
[Mar 27, 1999]
Carlos Aedo
an Audiophile
I have had the 330 plus series 2 for about a year and half.I also have MH750 biwire speaker cables.I am very happy with them, |
[Mar 27, 1999]
Carlos Aedo
an Audiophile
I have had the 330 plus series 2 for about a year and half.I also have MH750 biwire speaker cables.I am very happy with them, |
[Dec 16, 1999]
Audio Enthusiast
Good price, great detail Bought these for $140 from audioadvisor and was very impressed with the results after the break in period. Am a big fan of MIT cables now. |
[Oct 28, 2000]
Amazing 3D capabilities, very smooth top end
Bulky terminator boxes These are best cables I have heard for anywhere near $150, Similar Products Used: Cardas cross....Kimber silver streak, hero....Silver audio hyacinth, silver bullet 4....AQ Opals....HT truthlinks, pro-silway II....AP Copper ovals....various others |
[Jan 20, 2001]
A very comfortable, easy to listen to and laid back sound.
None that I have encountered yet myself although I can imagine that some will have to get used to this cable. Wow... that was the first word that came into my mind when I listened to the MIT MI-330 Plus Series II interconnects. Similar Products Used: VLS Ultra Copper interconnects, IXOS 102 Masterconnect, Van den Hul D-102 MKIII and Siltech ST-18 |