MIT Cables 4's Terminators Speaker Cables
MIT Cables 4's Terminators Speaker Cables
[May 26, 2003]
Audio Enthusiast
They can really kick your bass to life.
They are very well balanced but do lean to the bass side. I liked them. I upgraded from QED silver aniversary to these. I figured twice the cost, twice the fun. Well, I must say that I felt the QED were more agile with thehighs and mids but the MIT's didjust enough but where these cables shined was in the bass. Man they really go deep. The sound was overall alittle bass heavy but balanced enough to warrant a recomendation. If you are suffering from a bright system, these are the cables for you. then again if your a bass demin they ae for you too. For the price you would expect them to deliver the refinement of the highs and they didn't disappoint but it was the colored bass depth which you must consider. It's deep and good it just dominates abit, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. It was very well balanced, not perfect but very good. II have no problem recomending these cables. They are worth the money and you should at least audition them without resrvation. Similar Products Used: Whew, lot's. |
[Mar 13, 2003]
Audio Enthusiast
great detail.dead silent and revieling
cable is think and hard to hide I recently Decided to give the mit cables a try as high end cables can and do make a differnce .At first I was not impressed at all everything sounded mushed together.Do heed mit,s advice about burn in and you will be blown away by the Improvements.everything mit climes about about its designs is true and more .soundstage is wide and deep .midringe is transperent and clean and arrives from a dead silent backgrownd.Im glad I took the mit challange and will upgrade my interconnects to Mit as well .Grab some while you can from audio adviser at close out price for a great highend Burgon Similar Products Used: monster mcx kimber 4pr |
[Feb 25, 2000]
Heather Martin
Audio Enthusiast
Dry sounding, flat, amusical Color me a fool, I paid the retail $120 to Audio Advisor way before the "blow out" 50% off sale. Even at $60 these cables are not worth the money. These are an excellent example of everything the MIT "boxes" from the terminator 4 to the 750's do wrong to the sound. Only on this pair of speaker cables it is greatly exagerated. Similar Products Used: Kimber 4VS & 8TC, DH Labs T-14, Hamonic Tech Melody Line, Nordost Blue heaven |
[Apr 28, 1999]
Ronald van der Kraan
an Audio Enthusiast
Did some extensive auditioning to find the 'right' link between my Rega Planet CD player and Rega Mira amp (both recommended but together there is synergy!) This combo has a real-life musical approach wich can be warm when needed but also with in-your-face dynamics if the recording is so. So I was looking for an interlink which retained the quality I like so much about the Rega combo and which gives plenty of detail. |
[Apr 26, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
After dropping several hints, my wife bought me not one, but two pairs of the Terminator4 interconnects to compliment my Terminator4 BiWire Speaker Cables. Having 2 pairs allowed me to interconnect amp to pre and cd to pre; a total MIT connection. The change from my previous Monster Cable wiring proved to be outstanding. The overall definition of sound is amazing. More noticeable is the absence of background noise. I spent a lot of time pondering the "esoteric wire" thing before making the change to MIT. While for every positive comment there is a negative one on the subject, I for one am convinced that there is definately a difference. MIT Terminators are a quality product at a price you can afford. |
[Nov 21, 1999]
Audio Enthusiast
I bought the T4's from audio Advisor last week and have 12 hours burn in on them. I noticed an immediate improvement over my old Monster cable in the low end ranges - greater weight added to the soundstage. MIT claims they require a 48 hour burn in period - I have noticed improvements over the past 12 hours. So far for the price - $87 dollars terminated and delivered, I would have to say they are one of the best investments Ive made in my stereo system. I have them running out of a DBX BKII Amp-preamp combo using an ONKYO Integra carousel CD player with a Z-man audio enhancer and Copper home-brew interconnects, into Polk SDA 1-C speakers. The only drawback I can hear at this point is the cables allow you to hear the true charactaristics of your system. (Im realizing I may need to upgrade my interconnects). Am considering some MIT 330's. Great Value! |
[Dec 06, 1999]
Warren Gilbert
Audio Enthusiast
I recently purchased MITerminator 4 speaker cables and interconnects from Audioadvisor. I must admit that I was at first skeptical of MIT's claims of improved clarity, soundstage, and bass, treble and midrange definition over conventional cables. Initially, I noticed a somewhat mushier midrange and a boomier bottom end than my previous Kimber and Audioquest cables. However, knowing that MIT recommends a minimum 48 hour burn-in, I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. |
[May 16, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
As soon as I connected the MITs to my system, I instantly noticed an increase in detail, soundstage and tighter bass with my system. Now that I have used these cables for more than a week now, the highs have evened out with the rest of the audio spectrum. I was initially skeptical that changing speaker cables would make a noticable difference in the sound. Believe it! My Monster Cable that I was using before couldn't even come close to these MITs. I have these connected to a pair of B&W CDM7SE speakers with a Sherwood Newcastle R-945 receiver and the Sony CDP-CX240 CD changer. It's a live performance every night now. |
[Mar 07, 1999]
an Audio Enthusiast
Have had the 4 T's for 3 days and have not fully completed burn-in but already I have noticed a definite improvement in the lows and mids. The soundstage is significantly expanded. Much improvement over Ultralink Intensifiers I had before. Great quality for the price. |
[Apr 13, 1999]
The OJ
an Audio Enthusiast
These cords are absolutly amazing. They widened the sound stage significantly! Used radio shack high grade cables in the past. There is no comparison. Upon turning on my system (Carver A 500XAmp/AMC AV81 HT Preamp/M&K Satellites & Sub) the increase in sound quality was imedieatly apperant. I would give these cords a six if I could. |