MIT Cables MH-750 Plus Series Three Bi-Wire Speaker Cables
MIT Cables MH-750 Plus Series Three Bi-Wire Speaker Cables
[Mar 01, 2003]
Soundstaging, imaging, bass weight and definition, midrange clarity, details become REALISTIC not just wow factors
Ugly boxes, the biwire "tails" aren't quite long enough so when hooked up to my standmounters the boxes hang down. Sonically, no shortcomings, especially for the price I paid. For a long time, I was quite happy with my AudioQuest Type 4+ speaker cable. A good cable for the money, but as I upgraded my components one by one it eventually became a severe limiting piece of the chain. I didn't believe cable could make THAT much of a difference, so I didn't touch it. Until I happened upon a good deal on a set of Kimber 8TC. My jaw dropped, I couldn't believe all that I had been missing! The 8TC really impressed me, fantastic bass, etched images, extended highs. Very detailed. My local shop happened to be running a closeout on their MIT cables (the lines have changed), so I brought home a pair of MH750+S3 biwire to audition. To be honest, I really didn't want to like these cables... I had already invested in the 8TC, and those ugly terminator boxes... But after breaking them in and doing some A/B listening, I couldn't let these cables leave my house. The best way I can explain these MIT's is: muscially coherent. The 8TC's were very detailed, perhaps a smidge more so than the MIT, but they tended to present things as a series of stark images. The MIT seemed to reproduce each instrument, the space around the musician, and the space between the musicians; with the MIT in the chain the performance became a musically coherent whole vs. a series of images. It was almost as if I went from a 2-dimensional view to viewing all 3 dimensions. Soundstaging is absolutely enthralling. It was so beguiling when listening to 50's and 60's Jazz that there's no way I could let these cables leave my house! Sources: Cary CD308, Rega P3/Elys Preamp: McCormack RLD-1 Amp: McCormack DNA-125 Speakers: B&W Nautilus 805 IC: MIT 330+ S2 Similar Products Used: Original Monster, AudioQuest Type 4+, Kimber 8TC |
[May 06, 2002]
Audio Enthusiast
holographic detail, open, tranparent and good bass
soft tone on high, poor design with box on the cable..... Bought this cable as non biwire to replace my Audioquest Gilbratar, these cable are so thick and there is big box in between the cable that look urgly to me, also difficult to bend round the corners. But once you connect them with right component they produce good sound. After experiment test on MIT and Audioquest cable onto my system, i found that Audioquest Gilbratar are lacking of bass which MIT produce good on low frequency, but Audioquest has a smooth good high compare to MIT that has soft tone on high. To make my system singing, i have to match MIT cable for overall performance and sold away Audioquest to a friend. My advice be aware if you match with wrong component on MIT cable. Happy listening, adios.... ;0) My component consist of : 1) ownself made power distributor terminated with AFA(Hera) cable 2) XLO ref2 type 10A power cord to Rotel 991 cd player 3) Audioquest AC12 power cord to Classe 151 integrated amp 4) Monster cable M1000i balance interconnect 5) Totem Acoustic Arro loudspeaker Similar Products Used: Audioquest Gilbratar, StraightWire Rhapsody |
[Apr 19, 2002]
Audio Enthusiast
Great bass extension and definition Balanced and open mids and highs good dynamics
None yet Traded up from MIT T2''''s. Matched with 330 Plus Series 3 Interconnects thru the chain. Great bass weight and definition. Midrange and treble well balanced and open. Presents a very dark background for the music to appear from. Even not yet broken in they represent a significant step up from the T2''''s. Not that the T2''''s were bad, in fact for the money they are excellent. Actually called MIT prior to purchase and spent approx 30 minutes on phone with an engineer discussing what I would expect to get with the cables. Great customer service. Very happy with the results Similar Products Used: XLO VDO MIT T2''''s |
[Feb 13, 2001]
tres belle image ,bonne maitrise du grave.le haut du spectre est toujours tres doux.bonne dynamic
tendance permanente a "arondir les angles"ce qui parfois parait assez grossier.chaques notes s en retrouve epaissies je recherche un tres bon cable pour mon systeme.mais ca ne sera pas celui ci.malgre les fait incontestable qu il possede la plus belle image qui m etait donne d entendre d un cable haut parleur.son son "epais" en permanence mais pourtant defini ne me convient pas.dommage car c est son seul defaut Similar Products Used: tout un tas d autres cables |
[Oct 24, 2001]
Boris Grant
Audio Enthusiast
Good soundstage, datailed
none I've replased my Audioquest Granite with MIT MH750 plus and what a difference! They where sound so much better more detaled,deeper bass, clearer hights and huge sounstage. Similar Products Used: AUDIOQUEST GRANITE, TRANSPARENT AUDIO MUSIC WAVE PLUS |
[Feb 13, 2001]
tres belle image ,bonne maitrise du grave.le haut du spectre est toujours tres doux.bonne dynamic
tendance permanente a "arondir les angles"ce qui parfois parait assez grossier.chaques notes s en retrouve epaissies je recherche un tres bon cable pour mon systeme.mais ca ne sera pas celui ci.malgre les fait incontestable qu il possede la plus belle image qui m etait donne d entendre d un cable haut parleur.son son "epais" en permanence mais pourtant defini ne me convient pas.dommage car c est son seul defaut Similar Products Used: tout un tas d autres cables |
[Oct 23, 1999]
First of all, I'm not positive which version of the MH-750 Bi-wires that I tried because MIT (Bruce Brissom) changes the line so damn often. I ended up comparing these cables to the Music Wave Super bi-wire cable from Transparent. What impressed me most initially about MIT cable was the bass weight and punch. At first, I thought the cable was sonically pleasing, but after listening to my system for a while with the MIT in it, I began to think I was missing something. My conclusion after extensive listening was that the MIT sounded veiled and the bass lacked control. It was like you were listening to a performer on the other side of a thick curtain or something. The natural bite that should've been there in the brass wasn't there and the piano sounded like it had pads under the keys. When I switched back to the Transparent, the bass was much tighter and it seemed as though a thick fog was lifted from the stage. |
[Aug 16, 1999]
Shane Mattson
an Audiophile
Great cable. Works very well between my Levinson amplifier and Apogee Stage loudspeakers. Bass stays tight and controlled, mids are open and detailed, highs sound sweet with no sign of roll-off. |
[Dec 06, 1999]
Audio Enthusiast
They looked highend
They are too expensive I auditioned a pair of MH-750 + Series ll single wire. After an extensive burn in, I thought they sounded good but could not hear much of a difference over the 8 gauge power cable I was using. I felt that the MITs may produce a better bottom end but attributed this to the spades connectors vs. my banana plugs on my 8 gauge. I returned the MITs and will terminate my 8 gauge with spades since they fit so much better and tighter. Similar Products Used: 8-12 gauge cable |
[May 16, 1999]
an Audiophile
This cable does what a good cable should do. Passes the music along from the amplifier to the speakers without changing the signal. What more can I say besides the fact that for the price you get a reference quality speaker cable. The matching interconnects will set you back another $500 per. A great deal. Listen and you will see. |