MIT Cables MI-330 Plus Series II Interconnect - Pair Speaker Cables
MIT Cables MI-330 Plus Series II Interconnect - Pair Speaker Cables
[May 01, 2004]
G man
Natural soundstaging and mid-range resolution.
The bass regions could be cleaner and more neutral, though they seem extended. I have tried many times to replace these cables (2 pair) with products such as LAT International IC-100s, Acoustic Zen WOW balanced and single-ended, Nordost Solar Wind, Better Cables Silver Serpents, as well as reference cables from Monsetr and Shunyata (Aries balanced). I think perhaps the Aries, at more than three times the price, finally surpassed the MITs. I do not know what others are listening for, but I listen first for the "brain factor:" that is, does it bother me, or is it acceptable? Then I listen for the enjoyment of the listening experience. After all this, I might then check the treble, mid-range, bass, imaging, and so on. On an absolute "music" basis, I don't believe there are too many products in this category that surpass these cables in most categories. Similar Products Used: Too many to list, though those I have actually owned are listed above. |
[Aug 23, 2002]
Audio Enthusiast
Well, I had it for one year in my home system, and it worked great. The system was 2 Musical Design D75's and a Musical Design tubed preamp, Parasound CDP 2000 HDCD CDP, Pinnacle Gold classic Aerogel speakers. MIT T2 biwire speaker cables. I felt that MIT's smoothed out the harshness of the speakers gold dome tweeters, and the depth of the bass was extremely clean and detailed. I feel that there is more space around the instruments. NOW..I have them in car system, which is an Alpine HU and Alpine processor with Brown-Burr DAC's, McIntosh amps. Same the harsh tweeter enviro of a glass enclosed system, the cable helped a lot!
none Good quality, good detail, and smooth delivery Similar Products Used: Monster Cable Mi880 I think, some Audioquest,,, |
[May 25, 2002]
Mysterius looks
Severe coloration of the sound I used the MIT MI 330 Sereies two for some months, and I must conclude that MIT cables are changing the sound of the stereo system a lot. Even if you prolong one of your cables, the soun changes dramaticly. The soundstage in some way comes forward, and a lot of depth is lost. The higth of the soundstage increases in a funny way, all this because tha cable lacs neutrality, the bass is somewhat boomy and the highs is not really present anylonger. This cable can only be used for manipulating your system. Never judge any other product using them. Similar Products Used: Van den Hul MC silver |
[May 10, 2002]
Decent soundstage, excellent low level resolution
Artificial sounding, build quality does not justify price I had high hopes for this cable having heard a lot of positive things especially their reported ability to resolve details & open up the soundstage. Not exactly bowled over would describe my intitial impression upon receiving them. They didn''t look like $150 cables (price paid-forget about their having build quality justifying the suggested list of $260).The RCA''s were cheap looking as were the terminator boxes. But, hey it''s the sound that counts & unfortunately it was a letdown here too. The soundstage was fairly expansive as a pair of Tara RSC''s that were being used at the time but they sounded artificial. Figuring most cables need some break in time to sound their best I ran them continuously for a week. Tell you what...after a month of constant use they still didn''t sound as musically satisfying as the Tara RSC''s or even a pair of Tara Prism 33''s (at a quarter of the price) that are in my secondary system. The 330''s had more detail than the Prism 33''s but never lost that artificial/processed sound (polyester of the world of sound?). Compared to Tara RSC''s or the now discontinued Audioquest Opals (around the same list but cheaper, $100, street price)that I was also audtioning these come in a distant 3rd. The Opals & the RSC''s have a much more open,dynamic character that make recordings sound more like live music. Wound up keeping the Opals (more revealing of low level nuances than the Tara''s, which I gave to my son) with the 330''s going back to Audio Advisor. I''m glad I bought them from Audio Advisor, given their generous & hassle free return policy (keep for 30 days & if you don''t like it return it). I would have been pissed to have gotten stuck with the 330''s My system: Anthem Integrated 2 PSB Stratus Gold i''s PS Audio D/A converter Pioneer Elite PD-F19 changer Canare digital cable Audioquest Opals Audioquest Slate bi-wire Tweaks galore...Audiopoint feet, sorbo gel feet, tube dampers, trick power cord & ferrite cores on the junk non -removal power cord of the Pioneer. Similar Products Used: Audioquest Opals, Tara RSC, Synergistic Research Alpha |
[Apr 19, 2002]
Audio Enthusiast
Open, no boomy bass, very invloving.
Not a weakness, but transition to these cables from others, took some time, because mid-bass doesn''''t overpower the rest of the frequency spectrum, presenting a sound I''''d not heard before, but is more real. I am presently comparing AQ Viper to these MIT interconnects and there is really no comparison if you want the most definitve of the two. The MIT''''s have it all. I am rediscovering my cd collection as the old saying goes. In this system, which consists of: Creek 4330 MkII integrated amplifier, Triangle Titus XS speakers, Pioneer Elite PD-65 cd player and AudioQuest Slate bi-wired speaker cable, Atacama Nexus stands, and various little tweaks, highs are REALLY extended and instruments are very much separated and they come together beautifully like music should. Bass, is very tight and not at all boomy. In fact, I thought the bass had gone away, but I was used to a mid-bass exagerration from the Vipers. Now, the presentation is much more coherent. After the MIT''''s I can''''t put the Viper''''s back in. There''''s just too much information not coming through with the Viper''''s. They are smooth and listenable for long periods of time, but they may as well be playing Smooth Jazz for all I care. There is a long break-in period, but for a $150 set of interconnects, the sound coming out is very involving and a revelation of what''''s really on these cd''''s. For me, 5 out of 5 all around! Similar Products Used: AQ Viper, Kimber PBJ |
[Apr 19, 2002]
John Martin
Audio Enthusiast
Open, no boomy bass, very invloving.
Not a weakness, but transition to these cables from others, took some time, because mid-bass doesn''t overpower the rest of the frequency spectrum, presenting a sound I''d not heard before, but is more real. I am presently comparing AQ Viper to these MIT interconnects and there is really no comparison if you want the most definitve of the two. The MIT''s have it all. I am rediscovering my cd collection as the old saying goes. In this system, which consists of: Creek 4330 MkII integrated amplifier, Triangle Titus XS speakers, Pioneer Elite PD-65 cd player and AudioQuest Slate bi-wired speaker cable, Atacama Nexus stands, and various little tweaks, highs are REALLY extended and instruments are very much separated and they come together beautifully like music should. Bass, is very tight and not at all boomy. In fact, I thought the bass had gone away, but I was used to a mid-bass exagerration from the Vipers. Now, the presentation is much more coherent. After the MIT''s I can''t put the Viper''s back in. There''s just too much information not coming through with the Viper''s. They are smooth and listenable for long periods of time, but they may as well be playing Smooth Jazz for all I care. There is a long break-in period, but for a $150 set of interconnects, the sound coming out is very involving and a revelation of what''s really on these cd''s. For me, 5 out of 5 all around! Similar Products Used: AQ Viper, Kimber PBJ |