MIT Cables Terminator 2 Speaker Cables
MIT Cables Terminator 2 Speaker Cables
[Jul 07, 2019]
Eu simplismente fiquei muito feliz quando ouvi o MIT Terminator 2, são excelentes mas para alguns podem soar tão bem porque ele realmente é muito musical. Alguns preferem analisar invés de ouvir a música. Quanto ao palco sonoro, se.mostra amplo e definido. O grave fica muito impactante e preciso. O agudo mostra-se bem suave e nunca cansativo. Adoro esse cabo! Weakness:
Talvez o preço. É muito grosso e pesado. Price Paid: 600
Purchased: Used
Model Year: 1990
[Feb 25, 2015]
The Music goes Round & Round and it comes out here!!! This is more than the lyrics to a 1930s song, ils thé audiophile creed!!! Musique matters. Electronics matter. Cables matter!!! The MIT Terminator IIs are an ancient 1990s design. I should know, that is the date I bought mine. I LOVE these speaker cables!!! They took a cheesy $500 pair NTH 1.3A book shelf speaker and transformed them into $6,000 two way speakers ( I should know---Mr. Keith Yates (Keith Yates Audio) was deliberately torturing me with ridiculous speaker options when he demonstrated this dynamic dual. what can I sat? OMG!!! The bass hit the floor, the mids had presents and attack, the Treble was like the flapping of angel' s wings!!! Then the swine put on Cowboy Junkies Sweet Jane 180 gram vinyl and my hand mindlessly handed him my wallet. The are more newer and more expensive cable around but none better. Buy it before I do!!! |
[Dec 10, 2009]
santoro vincenzo
Hello I live in Italy and I would be interested in buying the power cables MIT Cables Terminator 2. How can I pay for having only the euro? and I can pay with paypal. I have to pay Dazzi? thank you very much. |
[May 12, 2009]
First off.. everyone appears to be a good, critical listener here. Everyone's reports of both old and new MIT T2 speaker cables are dead on! Even despite the huge differences in opinion! Believe it, but it is just a question of used and new cables.
[Feb 11, 2005]
Audio Enthusiast
purity, coherence, excellent balance, lets emotion come through (a rare trait).
big and bulky I don't understand the last two reviews. I think the MIT cables just made other system deficiencies more obvious. This is a revealing cable and if your electronics aren't up to snuff, you will find it out rather quickly. In my system, these cables work very well. I tried a couple Kimbers, Nordost solar winds, Audioquest T6, and a few miscellaneous ones I have forgotten the names of. I liked the MITs the best. They are clearer and more balanced across the board with a distinct propensity to allow music's emotion to come through. I try various cables now and then to make sure I am not missing anything (hence the silver cables) but so far, I am very satisfied in the quality of sound I get from my MIT T2 biwires. System synergy is paramount so I always list my associated equipment. Otherwise, the review is meaningless since the reference and context is missing. I use JM Lab Electra 926 speakers, McIntosh MC7200 amplifier, Classe CP50 preamp, and a Jolida JD100 tube cd player. I have changed all my interconnects to be MIT since getting the T2 speaker cables. Similar Products Used: see above |
[Jan 02, 2004]
Audio Enthusiast
Soundstage, maybe
Muddy bass, makes your big speakers sound puny. Irritating midrange Poor noisefloor Dissapointing so far. I bought a lightly used pair of these recently to drive NHT 3.3s powered by an Adcom 5500. Moment I connected these cables, the bass seemed to get muddy, flatter, and the midrange sounded rather bright. At loud levels I found them hard to the ear. These cables have been burned in by the previous owner so I cannot believe that is the issue. That said, the soundstage seemed ok. But I am really dissapointed with the purchase. The irony is I bought them to upgrade from a Monster M Serier pair, and believe me - the Monsters clearly sounded more transparent, more lucid in the midrange and FAR tighter in the low freqs. Maybe if you listen to mostly jazz and classical, these MITs - at low levels - could be your choice. But I listen to rock n roll and these simply dont have "MEAT". These was extremely apparent when I was hearing Michael Jackson's Billy Jean - the opening drum beats sounded sad. Maybe the higher priced MITs could deliver better results, but I believe these are simply overpriced basic cables backed by a big name. If after listening to them for sometime I get a different opninion, I will post another review - but as of now, I am tempted to sell them and find something else (or even my old Monsters). Similar Products Used: Monster M Series, DH Labs, homemade DIY stuff |
[Sep 04, 2002]
Good soundstage, "punchy"
much too "punchy" for an accurate system I was disappointed in these speaker cables. My system, with relatively warm Parasound Amps and very revealing Thiel speakers, tends to expose any added coloration in the sound. With the MIT speaker cables, I got an oddly unnatural sound, with a bright upper range. Female vocalists suffered in particular- voices became unnatural, even thin. The soundstage was excellent, I have to say that. And this cable may be perfect with small, limited range speakers- the added brightness might compliment them. But I found these cables disappointing in a system that sounds best with accurate, or slightly warm cables. I've found other MIT cables interesting- MIT interconnects seem to also add color, but in ways that may be more likable. Using MIT interconnects with warm CD Player, I get signal that seems to be both dynamic and wonderfully rich. The cable seems to add a slightly energetic touch (more subtle than the speaker cables), and that slight touch adds something. I put in a set of Audioquest type 4 speaker cables, and my system sounds wonderful- warmer and more natural. I'll stick with those. Similar Products Used: Audioquest type 4 |
[Jun 12, 2002]
Lawrence DiBello
Great price/performance ratio
Bulky - Low Wife Acceptance Factor I replaced a double run of Kimber 8TC with MITerminator 2 Bi-Wire. After the breakin period the sound stage and bass improved over the Kimber 8TC. The high end seemed more laid back. Since my system leans in that direction I was not sure if that was a positive change. After further listening I came to the conclusion that the highs were just cleaner. I'm very happy with the performance of this cable. Similar Products Used: Kimber 8TC |
[Jun 03, 2002]
Sandro Bisotti
Audio Enthusiast
Very clear mid-range and good soundstage.
A little weak highest high. These cables seems to create space and silence about the sounds. Very transparent, excellent soundstage and mid-range clarity. Good basses, a little weak in highest high. In my opinion, excellent cables for too much brilliant, bright amp-speaker systems. For my components (200W class A amp - MartinLogan Requests) I think they are not the best. I'll try with Audioquest Caldera. |
[Mar 20, 2002]
Big, heavy duty, durable, can (I have proof) be stepped on for weeks and not noticeably lose sound quality or physical appearance.
None that I have found especially for the price I bought these (t2 biwire) new and have not had a doubt since I got them. I have used them on Mirage M7, B&W Nautilus 804, and Monitor Audio Studio 50s (currently). I have to say the most dramatic impact on me was when these were hooked up to the mirages running off an old pioneer receiver. I didn’t thing mirages from early 90s could make such a warm enjoyable soundstage. I really like these cables and really enjoy the garden hose style construction. I really haven''t had too much to compare these too as I haven''t been looking so I really can’t give a good comparison. |