Musical Fidelity NuVista Copper Speaker Cables
Musical Fidelity NuVista Copper Speaker Cables
[Oct 08, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
Clarity, transparent, good looking
a little bit expensive for end user ($600 retail price) i bought this cable last week, for a test from my friend who is MF dealer in Jakarta, so i got a good half price, the first hours of listening to this cable the sound is very very harsh, no soundstage, overall sound is very dull. then i burn it with my XLO burn in CD for about 20 continous hours. The result is very surprise me. the detail, very transparent, and the soundstage is very good. i think i stiil have to burn in for some more hours, and i think this cable is reccomended to a serious listeners. very match with the super integrated M3 integrated amp. Similar Products Used: XLO Ultra 6, Van Den Hul |