Siltech FTM-4 Sg G3 Speaker Cables
Siltech FTM-4 Sg G3 Speaker Cables
[Feb 20, 2001]
Audio Enthusiast
very detailed sound and ambiance, highlights the quality of your audio components
bright blue colour (but who cares?) My system consists of a Meridian 506.24 CD-player, Audioquest Diamond interlink, Meridian 551 integrated amplifier, QED silver 12 speakercables and Monitor Audio monitor 3 Mk2 speakers. In order to further improve the already good sound I was wondering what difference a new set of speakercables would make. The people at Audiodesign offered me to test a set of various Siltech cables at home during the weekend. Two SPO18M netcables for player and amp were included. They did a wonderful job, the music was clearly more fluid, less 'edgy' if you will. So the sound was already better even before I actually started to test the cables I had in mind. Similar Products Used: audioquest diamond |
[Nov 10, 1999]
Audio Enthusiast
Improves realism of music, clean sound
Cost I have already written about my Siltech speaker cable and how it has enhanced the music dramatically. It was a huge change. The interconnect from CD player to pre-amp made the biggest impact. Where this interconnect shines is cymbals, guitars, different brass -- I notice a big difference in those areas. It brings out intimate things in the music -- things which were not heard in my system before. It is just such a clean sound. It portrays things far better than other cables I've tried. While you do have to have good gear for this cable to do its thing, in my opinion it is a real winner. Similar Products Used: Purist Audio Design Colossus Interconnect, Kimber KCAG Silver, |