Silver Audio Appassionata Speaker Cables
Silver Audio Appassionata Speaker Cables
[Apr 01, 2002]
Audio Enthusiast
Every trace of harshness I thought would never go away vanished from my system with the insertion of the Silver Audio Appassionatas
Absolutely none that I can hear - as I said, they define a new level of performance in my book at a reasonable cost These are the best interconnects I''ve heard and are an outstanding value. I will echo what others have written here - the resolution is spectacular and the music is smooth and full-bodied to a degree I haven''t heard before. From the first few moments it was clear these interconnects were something very special and define a new league of performance in my opinion. System: Wadia 861 Audio Note M2 Line Audio Research VT-100 MK II ProAc Response Fives Nordost SPM speaker cable Similar Products Used: Nordost SPM Nordost Quattro Fils |
[Feb 06, 2000]
Mitchell Schumer
transparancy harmonic balance better soundstaging
initally a bit lean and strident warms up after a fer 100hrs The apassionatas are the best of both worlds Similar Products Used: lat international |
[Nov 07, 1999]
I auditioned this cable extensively for 2 months. This is the most beautiful cable I have seen to date. Musically it is silky, tranparent and very accurate. I used the Apassionata between my Monarchy DAC and Blue Circle pre-amp and pre-amp and Blue Circle amps. I used it in parallel with the Silver Audio Silver Breeze digital cable and Silver Audio 32 and 48 Speaker cables bi-wired to a pair of Merlin VSM-SE loudspeakers. In this instance it was a case of too much of a good thing. With all silver for cables the sound was accurate and detailed, but too much so for my tastes. I found that my foot had quit tapping on many of my favorite recorings. For me personally there is a fine line between accuracy/detail and musicability. Don't get me wrong, this is a great cable, but careful matching with your existing system is necessary. I kept the Silver Audio digital and speaker cable and continue my search for the perfect interconnects. Anyone looking to upgrade their interconnects or speaker cables definitely needs to check out Silver Audio. |
[Oct 08, 1999]
David Spear
Audio Enthusiast
Clean, open, three-dimensional, transparent sound. No grain, grunge, or brightness. Beautifully made. Excellent cusomer support.
A bit pricey. I feel that the Silver Audio Appassionata interconnects are really something special, both sonically and aesthetically. To start with a brief physical description, they are constructed from 8 strands of 5-nines annealed silver in an open cross-weave pattern, with air and high-grade transparent Teflon serving as the dielectric, and are covered with a clear mesh sleeve. They are simply gorgeous, with a shimmery, glittery silver look. I ordered mine terminated with XLO Signature XLR connectors (a reasonable $75 option), which have a pure Teflon body and direct gold plated 6-nines copper pins. Both the cables and the connectors have that unmistakable look of meticulously constructed precision instruments. In fact, the Appassionatas are so "trick-looking" that a normal person (i.e., a non-audiophile), seeing them for the first time, actually might not laugh out loud after hearing how much they cost - unlike, say, the typical reaction of a normal person to something like a Mpingo Disk or a Shakti Stone. (No offense intended.) Similar Products Used: Kimber PBJ and KCAG, Harmonic Techology Pro-Silway Mk 1 & Mk 2. |
[Dec 20, 2001]
Live, vivid, faithful to the source top to bottom.
Signficant break in required. Absolutely the best interconnect cable I have used. At about half the cost of the excellent Nordost Quatrofils, these are more open on the top, and tighter and more extended in the bass. Lots of shimmer. No harshness. Simply brings me closer to the illusion of a live microphone feed, yet not overly bright, harsh, analytical. Very smooth and silky, in fact. This is a lot to spend for an interconnect, but the value ratio is nonetheless high. Try them out! Similar Products Used: Nordost Quattrofil; Tara Decade; Analysis Plus Silver Oval; HT, Synergistic Looking Glass/Kaleidoscope. |
[Apr 23, 2001]
John Wittmann
Audio Enthusiast
Clarity, Detail, Sound stage and depth, ability to purvey space, time and passion.
None After having these cables in my system for some time now I can say that these interconnects only got better with time. They never "settled in" like other cables and lost the speed in the treble. These cables breathe the music. None of the subttle nuances of the recording environment or layering of music is lost. Big heavy bass lines and subttle cymbals have thier own space and are not masked by the other. The sound has gotten deeper wider and far more involving without being too busy to interfere with the listening experience. Adrian Beleuws Salad Days CD (which was recorded in his home) sounded very convincing. A good reference for acoustic music. I would recommend these cables to anyone wanting to upgrade to a reference cable. Similar Products Used: See previous review |
[Apr 09, 2001]
John Wittmann
Sound: Resolution, Transperancy, Imaging, Detail, Neutral with out Harshness
None yet I read the reviews on this page which helped me to decide to audition a set of these interconnects. I bought the .5 meter pair to connect my cd source to pre amp. My initial observation was the clarity. Other cables wear clear if not a bit forward out of the box, but settled as they broke in. The Audioquest settled so much they lower a curtain in front of the music. The Straightwires are accurate, neutral and some times just a bit harsh when the volume is pushed hard. The Appassionattas were clear right out of the bag and stayed that way even after over 50 hours of play. The resolution is unbelievable. Sounstage is big , wide and deep. Subtle nuances are revealed with delicacy. Layering is more discernable and the highs are open, airy and extended , crystal clear but never harsh. Bass is extended and focused. And the midrange is smooth as silk. Similar Products Used: Audioquest |
[Mar 20, 2001]
See previous review Here's a more in depth review. (The cable is used between pre and power amp as Max suggested and after some fiddling I would tend to agree. I will replace the CD to pre with Appassionata as soon as I get the chance). |
[Mar 09, 2001]
Sounds: clean, vibrant, real.
None, except maybe availability in the UK, but that's understandable. This cable sounds the best I have heard. The cable is still warming up a little, but detail is all there, space, positioning of information and a sense of being there. No harshness at all (harshness must be a myth). This is a wonderful product, immaculately presented and the assistance from Max (yes you call the number and you get through to the company boss!) was great. I collected from a friend whilst over in the US and Max helped enormously here. Very friendly indeed. Would definitely purchase again when I find the money for the next pair! Similar Products Used: Kimber KCAG, select... |
[Apr 15, 1999]
John Fox
an Audiophile
In late 1997 I had tried a few very expensive interconnect cables: the NBS Master, Transparent Audio Ultra and Audioquest Diamond. These were used from my line stage and amp. The AQ Diamond robbed the music of all its ambience, bloom and harmonic richness but at least the sound was not fatiguing and bright. The TA Ultra was very musical but clearly had a rolled-off top and a diminished resolution compared to the AQ or even the Straightwire Virtuoso. The NBS Master was another story altogether. Here was an incredible product that I had never heard of. This convinced me from that day on how important cables can be. The only problem here was the price. I just couldn't handle paying $2200 for a 1m XLR cable. |