Synergistic Research Designer's Reference Interconnect Speaker Cables
Synergistic Research Designer's Reference Interconnect Speaker Cables
[Jan 21, 2000]
Peter Earnshaw
Good bass, smooth unforced treble, clear and powerful images in the soundstage
Unmusical in my system. Loss of fine detail and microdynamics. I am currently evaluating interconnect & speaker cables, with a view to replacing my own cables (Transparent MusicLink Plus balanced interconnect & MusicWave Plus speaker cable, and one run of Super balanced interconnect) with something better. This is prompted by the recent replacement of one set of Plus interconnects with Super, and what a big difference that made! But, Transparent cables are not cheap, and if I’m going to be spending that much money, I need to make sure I’ve spent it wisely. Similar Products Used: Transparent Plus & Super (balanced) |
[Feb 27, 2000]
Clear treble and mid-range, transparent sound
Bass a little bit losely defined I used a pair of SR XLR (old version w/o shielding)for over 3 years. Before that I used the AQ Diamond 3 XLR, it sound great comparing to AQ. Good sound stage, detailed and very quiet background that most aufiophile wanted. Someone might say that it is less musical but to me this is just right. I have borrowed a pair of the Venture UR RCA cables with an added on 30% cost from the vendor, this is even better than the SR with add on crystal like sound, instrument positions are clearly defined when listen to classical music, but considering the cost difference, SR is still worth at it's value. Similar Products Used: Venture Ultimate Reference (RCA) and Audio Quest Diamond 3. |
[Mar 05, 2000]
Joe S
Transparent, grainless, detailed, musical, pure
Cost I've been using the Nordost Quatro fil for as long as it's been out along with the SPM speaker cable as it seemed to be the closest thing to no cable at all when it came to sound. I recently got a 2 meter pair of the Designer Reference interconnect with the Active Shielding box in from my dealer for evaluation. In the past (two years ago) I tried the original Designers Reference and frankly, while it sounded nice, it just couldnt match the Quatro Fil as it sounded a bit fuzzy in comparison. Similar Products Used: Nordost Quatro Fil |
[May 24, 1999]
an Audiophile
I purchased SR Designer's Reference (balanced)5 months ago and replaced Audioquest Diamond which runs between the CD Player (Wadia 860) and the amp (Krell FPB600). I recently added the Active Shielding unit from SR and connected it to the interconnects. Speakers are Dunlavy SC-4A. |
[Sep 25, 1999]
Michael Wolfe
an Audio Enthusiast
Really unbelievable! The best I've heard in my system. In case you are curious, here is the system. Theta Miles connected directly to a VAC 100/100 w/'68 vintage KT88 Gold Lions and Brimar CV4003s. DR has active shielding connected to the master control center (which improved my system at least 25%). If you haven't upgraded to the active shielding, IMHO, it is a must! Audio Physic Virgos are connected to the VAC with two runs of SR Resolution Reference (Bi-Wired). Power cords are Bybee and SR. Everything gets it power through an API Power Wedge Ultra 112. Tweaks include BDR cones under the amp and Vibrapods under everything else. The two components are on top of Bright Star Big Rocks w/ a little Rock on the Miles. The stand is a two shelf, sand filled Target B2. |